50th Dive, Thanks Everyone.

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congrats Brian on #50.

Are you sure you don't want to dive the oil rigs on Sunday ? see mo2vations dive report from last week to see what an friggin unbelievable dive it is.
congrats Brian on #50.

Are you sure you don't want to dive the oil rigs on Sunday ? see mo2vations dive report from last week to see what an friggin unbelievable dive it is.

I've been wanting to dive the oil rigs big time, but I have a prior engagement to attend. Next weekend I have my final Rescue Classes, but after that I'm free any weekend. Just let me know man.
Congrats on #50!

I really hope BC continues on for a long time. We just need Erika and Ann Marie to setup some more meet and greets!:D:D

Kinda hard to make weekend dives when working weekends. :( Plus I dont know how good i would be at puting an event together never tried. And how did i get thrown in this?

Congrats Byran!
If ya ever wanna get together for a dive or two lemme know, been a while :)

I agree as a functioning group the BC's are effectively dead. After Rick's sudden abandonment and nobody being willing or able to step in, we have all let it collapse. A great loss to the community and to me personally. Heck I can't even find anyone diving anymore thats not a darn 3-hour drive away. The loss of our weekly dives has sure left me in a quandry on how to get wet anymore and sad for new divers, like I once was, needing guidance and encouragement from those experienced.

I wish I had the force of personality, free time, dive experience, and standing in the community to be able to offer such advice to newbies, and encourage people to show up for weekly dives, but I know that's just not me. So I can sympathize with why nobody has stepped up to get us back on track. I've been thinking of posting up a schedule for next month and see if I can get people to show, but I don't hold out much hope, seems everyone's just moved on...

Posted via Mobile Device

I dont think every one has moved on. I know I'm still here and plan on posting some night dives. Just its hard to dive when no one is around and getting the schedules to line up. I would Post a Schedule but I would not be able to show to any of the weekend dives as for i work. :( If you are avalable during the week give me a Haller you have my phone #

Hi Bryan,

Congrats buddy keep it going. As for BC's it's not dead yet anybody who's diving should post where & when so others can join. I'll be on the Spectre for the next 4 weekends but after that I'll be back to doing beach dive & will be posting. I might be doing some night dives soon. Maybe we can put together a picnic Xmas party dive at the end of Nov. Hope to see you all soon.


I think a Picnic or X-mas party would be awesome, Maybe with a white elephant gift exchange????? Of corse i would not have weekend off but if it was a party in the evening i could go.
Congratulations on your 50th dive. Sounds like your furthering you dive education too. Very cool stuff. Hope you emjoy it for a long time... you know there are some very old people diving... :)
I don't know where the BCs are headed... but. it has been such a great opportunity for many new divers that I can't forsee it fading away. I hope if people have free time (me included) and plan on going diving, they post here.
Hey Bryan, congrats on your 50th wet one! I hope to do some diving next weekend(10-25&26), if I can make it happen I will post details here for any of you beach crabs to come and join me. Jamie
Hey Bryan, congrats on your 50th wet one! I hope to do some diving next weekend(10-25&26), if I can make it happen I will post details here for any of you beach crabs to come and join me. Jamie

Awesome, I'd be free on the 26th.

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