50th Dive, Thanks Everyone.

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Reaction score
Yorba Linda, CA
# of dives
50 - 99
Just wanted to say that I finished my 50th dive this week, and just wanted to say thanks for all the trips that were organized here by Rick and everyone else. I'm just being honest, but it looks like the group is pretty much dying away, and I guess thats what happens to great organizations over time. Thanks for everyone for all the help, advice and diving experience over the last few months. I know for a fact, that if it wasn't for the initial BC meetings I wouldn't be as into diving as I am now. Thanks for everything, and hope things start up here again one day.

Good luck all,

Bravo, bravo! I hope to do my 100th dive this weekend and am really looking forward to it. It's fun to celebrate the milestones. Again, congrats!
Congrats Bryan. I hope the group starts up again. If ya ever want to dive im usualy in the water on Tuesdays, Up in Santa Barbara or Malibu. If ya want to Join the fun. Also I plan on Posting night dives in the malibu area with in the next week or so. :) See you Around and Congrats. Again on the 50th dive.
Congrats on #50!

I really hope BC continues on for a long time. We just need Erika and Ann Marie to setup some more meet and greets!:D:D
Congrats on your 50th! I've noticed the same thing about the beach crabs....right as I was able to start meeting up for their weekend dives, it started dying down. Hopefully it can pick back up sooner rather than later! :D
Congrats Bryan.... I'm sure your next 50 will just around the corner. Hope to dive with you some day soon.
Congrats Byran!
If ya ever wanna get together for a dive or two lemme know, been a while :)

I agree as a functioning group the BC's are effectively dead. After Rick's sudden abandonment and nobody being willing or able to step in, we have all let it collapse. A great loss to the community and to me personally. Heck I can't even find anyone diving anymore thats not a darn 3-hour drive away. The loss of our weekly dives has sure left me in a quandry on how to get wet anymore and sad for new divers, like I once was, needing guidance and encouragement from those experienced.

I wish I had the force of personality, free time, dive experience, and standing in the community to be able to offer such advice to newbies, and encourage people to show up for weekly dives, but I know that's just not me. So I can sympathize with why nobody has stepped up to get us back on track. I've been thinking of posting up a schedule for next month and see if I can get people to show, but I don't hold out much hope, seems everyone's just moved on...

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Congrats Bryan, glad I could be there for one of those dives with you. Let's do another some day.

I hope the Beach Crabs aren't dead. My schedule is such I'm usually only able to make one of the dives a month but I was glad that I could count on the Beach Crabs to be diving when I could finally make a dive.

If nothing else I hope we all will continue to post planned dives to see who else may want to join in, or at least get a buddy to go along. I think many of us have the same problem, so few people dive that to try to find a buddy who's schedule also lines up with yours is a challenge.
Hi Bryan,

Congrats buddy keep it going. As for BC's it's not dead yet anybody who's diving should post where & when so others can join. I'll be on the Spectre for the next 4 weekends but after that I'll be back to doing beach dive & will be posting. I might be doing some night dives soon. Maybe we can put together a picnic Xmas party dive at the end of Nov. Hope to see you all soon.


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