5 Days with Paradise Divers- Brisas Ofc

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Near Austin, Texas
We just retruned from 5 days of diving with Dive Paradise at the Cozumel Resort( Brisas) shop location.

Sunday Dec 7th- Seas were 3-5 ft with North wind; Fast boats did not go out and we had to take a $8.00 taxi ride to the harbor to board a a big boat.

11 divers and 2 dive masters went to Cedral Wall for first dive. Our divemaster was Gregario, young and in great shape. Only problem was he swam very fast and did not relax with current to enjoy U/W beauty. Reef is in great condition and visibilty was 100- 200 feet with mild current. Other group with Divemaster Moses told us we hurried past 3 large Eagle rays and 3 nurse sharks in reefs.

2nd dive was Cedral Paseo- We convinced Gregario to slow down.
We saw several Barracuda, Grouper & lobster. No eels. Thousands of tropical fish. Back to the diveshop and a request for a different Divemaster on Monday. We requested Moses and were assured Moses would be there on Monday.

Monday Dec 8th- Seas were calm. Fast boat- Queen Angel w/ Miguel ( Boat Captain)- Moses is our Divemaster; 1st dive was
Palancar Big Caves- AWESOME dive; Slow & relaxed dive; Large Grouper; Eagle Rays; Crab; Barracuda; Multiple swim throughs

2nd dive- Yucab; Swift current; Barracuda; Rockfish; Large Puffer; Saw lots of new born fish hiding in coral ; 2 turtles;Bristle worm; 2 Sea horses; coral was healthy & beautiful; All divers and Moses make dive plan for Tuesday; Back to dive shop with praise of Moses and request for Tuesday- We are assured of Moses on Tuesday by Pele

Tuesday- Dec 9th- Calm seas; Queen Angel w/ Miguel- NO Moses;Same group of divers as Monday; New divemaster says Moses is sick; Divemaster Porfirio says we will not dive the plan we had all agreed to the day before but closer to town as he wants to get dives over quickly; divers unite and revolt; We dive our dive plan from Monday.
1st dive is Columbia Deep- Porfirio is swimming fast and not looking to find any marine life in reefs- only watching his pressure gauge to end dive; Divers find Sand Rays, small grouper , beautiful large Coral pinnacles here

2nd dive Cloumbia Shallows- after heated discussion on boat with Divemaster; Beautiful color in reefs here with 35 ft dive; Moderate current; Large groups of tropical fish everywhere; Sit back & enjoy (We thought) : 35 minutes into dive with over 1400 psi left; Divemaster says time to go up; Once on boat ; All divers had over 1000 psi left; Divemaster in hurry to get back to town;
Back to dive shop and very pissed about Divemaster; Moses is at dive shop and informs us that he was not allowed to dive with us.
After requesting to call Apple at main shop we are guaranteed Moses is Divemaster for Wednesday.

Wednesday Dec 10th- Seas 1-3 w/ north wind; Moses & Azul- New boat captain in Fast boat;
1st dive Santa Rosa- 7 swim throughs with 2 chimneys; I have dove Santa Rosa 6 times in past years and never experienced the chimneys. Crab, Grouper, Turtles, 120 ft; Great dive; Maxxed out computers

2nd dive- Cedral Paseo-Huge lobster, Several schools of Barracuda, Grouper, Turtles, We see much more beauty with slower dive this time; Back to dive shop very happy and assurance Moses will be divemaster on Thursday

Thursday- Moses informs group that after 2 days of diving , he is confident in our skills as a group and we can go wherever we wish; Offers Punta Sur, but divers agree to shallower longer dive
1st dive- Cedral Wall- Swift current suspended at 80'; Large Barracuda; Swim throughs at wall, Large coral formations here, Great dive

2nd dive- Palancar Gardens- By far the most colorful dive of all; Lobster, toadfish, Puffer Fish, thousands of tropical fish, large shools of Snapper, Squirrelfish, lots of Angel fish

Moses is most professional of all Divemasters I have met in 13 yrs of diving Cozumel

End of boat dives

Friday- Shore dive at Cozumel Resort(Brisas)- We find a spotted eel about 3 ft long(Only eel we saw entire trip); 3 Trumpet fish, several flounder, Sand Rays, Small puffer, Bristle worms, hundreds of Wrasse around shore- Very nice shallow dive- Max depth 20'

We will dive with Paradise Divers again, only if we are guaranteed in writing of Moses as Divemaster; Other wise not.

Boats were clean, All boat captains were very helpful, Luticia at Cozumel Resort dive shop was wonderful, Pele was very evasive & did not forward our request for Moses as Divemaster we believe. Dive lockers at dock side never allowed gear to dry and started to mildew. So after 2 days we took our gear to our room.

Overall Great trip, we should have gone direct to main office & talked to Apple for our request of Divemaster.

If anyone would like questions answered , e mail at RRamsey7@austin.rr.com
I've been diving Cozumel for 30 years, written several articles about it & was most recently there just this Thanksgiving, but have yet to hear of an dive op named "Paradise Divers."

Can you please provide a further description & preferably a website?

Thank you,


PS: I believe that the onsite op at Las Brisas, now named Cozumel Resort, is Dive Paradise.
Doc, You are correct- Sorry. Still tired from trip & did not double check my notes
I have taken the liberty of editing your trip report to correct for this mistake.

Happy holidays.

Soory you had the problems you had re: getting the right DM. So much of a dive trip can depend on getting the right one. If they are motivated to show you things it can be an unforgettable dive.

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