400 dead bottlenose dolphins

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From: http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/africa/04/29/dolphin.deaths.ap/index.html

Did Navy sonar kill Zanzibar's dolphins?
Biologists investigate mystery of mammals washing up on shore

Saturday, April 29, 2006; Posted: 6:50 p.m. EDT (22:50 GMT)

ZANZIBAR, Tanzania (AP) -- Scientists tried to discover Saturday why hundreds of dolphins washed up dead on a beach popular with tourists on the northern coast of Zanzibar.


A preliminary examination of their dolphins stomach contents failed to show the presence of squid beaks or other remains of animals hunted by dolphins.

That was an indication that the dolphins either had not eaten for a long time or had vomited, Jiddawi said.

Their general condition, however, appeared to show that they had eaten recently, since their ribs were not clearly visible under the skin, she said.

Although Jiddawi said Friday that poisoning had been ruled out, experts were preparing to further examine the dolphins' stomachs for traces of poisonous substances such as toxic "red tides" of algae.

What do you think?
I had a personal bet with myself as to how long it would take for someone to post this. The article title is just SO dramatic.:14:

What can I say about this article: The journalist that wrote it is a true master of presumption and spin. I am disappointed that everytime a marine mammal stranding takes place nowadays, there's an automatic implication that it was the military's fault.

This dude's got nothing more solid than the knowledge that a naval force was in the general region, and already he's pointing fingers. What a load.:doctor:
What can I say about this article: The journalist that wrote it is a true master of presumption and spin. I am disappointed that everytime a marine mammal stranding takes place nowadays, there's an automatic implication that it was the military's fault.

This dude's got nothing more solid than the knowledge that a naval force was in the general region, and already he's pointing fingers. What a load.:doctor:
I agree with you archman, it just so "unfair" to the long sufferring navy and their sonar to be blamed just because they are frequently found in the same time and space as marine mammal groundings. But they are not the only victims of the press or popular opinion.

Afterall, I'm pretty sure that if a jet flew into the empire state building tomorrow, a journalist would speculate on whether a muslim terrorist was at the controls, just becaseu they have done something similar before and have threatened to do it again.

The "problem" of course is that when something like this happens all sorts of people, not just the "irresponsible" press, have a bad habit of jumping to the most likely scenarios.

Now, if you happen to think there IS a difference between the two scenarios, you need to consider that this is the case only because the identical response by press or plublic in one case offends your political and patriotic sensibilities and in the other it appeals to them.

So you can be either ok with the press/public reaction to events or can be opposed to that reaction - either one is an acceptable position. BUT if you want to hold intelligent, conceptually sound and logically solid views on the issue, you can't have it both ways depending on whether it is or is not convenient for you or your beliefs.
sometimes though, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its pretty much a duck
to be fair generally patrolling "the coast of east africa" is a bit different to being off zanzibar blasting dolphins...and there are pre-sonar stranding records aplenty as understand it. sometimes things walk like a duck, quack like a duck but turn out to be a small goose with a funny accent. not saying its not sonar related just saying there's no reason for the presumption on the sole basis the us navy are on the same side of a continent as the incident
DA Aquamaster:
Afterall, I'm pretty sure that if a jet flew into the empire state building tomorrow, a journalist would speculate on whether a muslim terrorist was at the controls, just becaseu they have done something similar before and have threatened to do it again.

The "problem" of course is that when something like this happens all sorts of people, not just the "irresponsible" press, have a bad habit of jumping to the most likely scenarios.

Except in this case of marine mammal strandings, naval vessels don't even fall under the Top 5 of likely causes. Classical factors linked to disease, poison, water masses, and "pilot whale syndrome" still top the charts.

There has been ONE non-anecdotal case study that probably links Navy sonar use to marine mammal strandings. And that was the 2000 multi-species incident in the Bahamas.

I don't mind journalistic speculation, so long as it bears at least some shred of intelligence and evidence to it. Ironically, the main content of the article barely even mentions Navy sonar, but devotes more attention to other causal factors. In other words, the article title itself doesn't track with the article's main content. It's almost like one decent fellow wrote the article, and then some ignorant yutz stepped in and slapped a sketchy but glitz title to it to attract viewers.

For more information on Navy sonar killing marine mamals (or the lack thereof), and to get an idea about how pervasive media misinformation is, check out our last thread on this. Not even one month ago.

As an aside, bottlenose strandings make up the bulk of marine mammal strandings in Texas, and have been going on since time immemorial. We found nearly 300 of the things in 1994, but that was a bad year. Every once in a while, a whole heap of the animals mass-strand. Despite having the U.S. mine warfare school and squadron based out of Ingleside, I don't believe I've once heard any Texas marine mammal scientist conjecture about the Navy being at fault. Nor anything from our internationally regarded marine mammal research lab out of Galveston. What they DO blame is rapid water temperature shifts, disease, fishing pressure, and both natural and manmade toxins.
It is never going to stop. Some people just have an ax to grind on the US military, and our government. Just another form of terrorism. Jump in and start screaming at the "evil ones". Facts not wanted, or required. Were an easy target, so we get crap thrown at us, sad but true.
It is never going to stop. Some people just have an ax to grind on the US military, and our government. Just another form of terrorism. Jump in and start screaming at the "evil ones". Facts not wanted, or required. Were an easy target, so we get crap thrown at us, sad but true.
Yeah, yeah, yada, yada ... Do you realy believe in what you wrote above? I think you were just joking :)
Some people just have an ax to grind on the US military, and our government. Just another form of terrorism.

My friend, there is ZERO similarity between terrorism and being skeptical of the government or the military. It is that skepticism that makes our country great. To demand total unquestioning obedience and support or else be called a terrorist is something...but it isn't America and it isn't a free society at all.

I can olnly hope you were mouthing off without thinking, because this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read on this board. If you're so fond of America, then surely you are fond of our right to free speech, including discussing whether or not the military is to blame for marine mammal deaths?

Because you won't get ANYWHERE with me saying I have to support the American government or military no matter what they do and without question.
In other words, the article title itself doesn't track with the article's main content. It's almost like one decent fellow wrote the article, and then some ignorant yutz stepped in and slapped a sketchy but glitz title to it to attract viewers.

On most newspapers, thats just how it happens. A reporter writes the story, an editor cuts it to fit the space and the headlines are written by a headline writer and are designed primarily to grab attention, If they also happen to relate to the article its a good thing, but not of primary concern to the headline writer.

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