3rd ferry..$8, is it back in operation?

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I take it they are lowering prices to kill off the competition?

I'll support the upstarts, so we buy tickets on board the Barco boat?

Chances are the newer operation is more streamlined and cost efficient and can operate at a lower fare structure so the older players are going to have to cut fares so low that nobody can make money and outlast them. In other words, a war of attrition ("we lose $2 million a day and you lose $1 million a day, but we have $100 million in reserves and you have $20 million in reserves")
From todays news:

Call to curb monopoly

PLAYA DEL CARMEN, SOLIDARITY, 12 December.- To cope with the onslaught of "Kick government" against the Cozumeleño shipping boats Caribbean, to remove it from the competition and strengthen the overseas-boats Mexico monopoly; the Frente Ciudadano was created against the monopoly Predator, because in the short term the measure willimpact the economy of the 3 and a half million passengers crossing annually to the island of Cozumel, as the monopoly and colluded to increase its price 163 and 162 pesos respectively, now do to lower it from 60 to 70 pesos, to bust the local company that charges 69 pesos since it began operations in February 2015, and then increase it stratospherically, why, on Monday they demanded governor Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez kick that does not support monopolies, because they want a free competition Quintana Roo.
"Government Kick" PAN-PRD, led by former PRI member Carlos Joaquin, was sworn in on 25 September this year, month and a half later launched an onslaught against the Cozumeleño shipping company, Impulsora Maritime Quintana Roo and del Caribe SA de CV, company name Boat Caribbean as it using the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) closed the box office for ticket located on First Avenue South with First street South Bis, near the Maritime Terminal Browse using as an excuse the lack of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), because this document is not to proprietary companies overseas and Mexico were asked Boats.
With the obvious aim to bust the Caribbean Boats, receivable social price, 69 pesos to Quintana Roo, 135 pesos outsiders, resulting in great benefit, on November 24 the City Treasurer, allowed Ultramar charged 163 pesos opening seven lockers in public for the sale of tickets, six of them in the vicinity of Central park and First street South Bis leading to the Maritime Terminal Browse where sail ships covering the Playa seaway del Carmen-Cozumel and vice versa, while boats Mexico has set a cost of 162 pesos, concerted action, for this reason on 14 November, the Federal Competition Commission (Cofece) imposed a fine of 45 million pesos for monopolistic practices .
Obviously Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez, in open collusion with overseas and boats Mexico shipping, supports them in the dirty war to bring boats Caribbean market, ordering the Profepa close its box office ticket sales, authorizing overseas install seven points of sale with strategic location, and these companies in a concerted action lower their price in a parameter of between 60 and 70 pesos, and once they no longer have competition again raise their perhaps higher price to 163 and 162 pesos they charge for the trip simple, thus it is earning the fine of 45 million pesos for monopolistic practices.

Demonstration against the governor CJ

To cope with the onslaught of the "government of the pushback" against the Cozumeleño shipping boats Caribbean, to remove itfrom the competition and strengthen the overseas-boats Mexico monopoly, the Frente Ciudadano was created against the predatory monopoly whose members the morning of Monday, took advantage of the presence of governor Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez on the island of Cozumel, to give the checkered flag to start rehabilitation of streets in the San Miguel I, to demonstrate a large blanket with following demand: "Mr. governor not support monopolies Quintana Roo want a free competition to benefit the people not to enrich Molina and overseas".

Call for reflection

Finally, the Citizen Front Against Monopolies, by blankets strategically located in Playa del Carmen and the island of Cozumel, urging the citizens of Quintana Roo do not fall into the trap of Molina and overseas to bankrupt Boats Caribbean and invites the following reflection and struggle for boats Caribbean Community company not disappear:
1. we saw that charge could always cheaper and did not.
2. If you close Boats Caribbean, the next day prices rise.
3. Already fined for ravenous and careros.
4. Do not let shipping companies remaining two.
5. Just for boats Caribbean, they were forced to lower tariffs.
6. Use the Caribbean Boats, with them several routes were rescued.
7. The Molina and overseas, dealing with the foot to users and did what they wanted.
8. Today prefer to lose, to get competition and upload pre
Another article:

"Do not support monopolies"

COZUMEL, 12 December.- Citizen petitioned hand canvas Governor Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez avoid supporting the duopoly Cruise and Maritime Overseas, to allow free competition in the service of the federal Cozumel-Playa del Carmen and vice versa route. With the arrival of boats Caribbean managed to break with the commercial subjugation of these two shipping companies controlled times and kept expensive prices.
It was a short but direct message, referring as recipient Governor Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez, in his first event held on the 25 South 30 Avenue, the sign said verbatim: "Mr. Governor does not support monopolies want a Quintana Roo free competition to benefit the people not to enrich Molina and overseas ".
It is a fact that will listen, on the understanding that Cruise Maritimes have supported airtime at least the current mayor of Cozumel, which comes from the same political coalition championed Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez during the last elections.
The arrival of the person was at the end of the first act on the tour work, which he said came off on the basis that a few days ago it transpired that the real reason why these two shipping companies lowered their prices by an average of 60 to 70 pesos, and broke its agreement to control one day everyone schedules for departures to Playa del Carmen, and their respective arrivals of the municipality, was so that every hour there were three boats providing passenger service, leading to reduced the operation of the shipping boats Caribbean, with little more than year and a half in operations.
At two companies mentioned above would not affect them much because for years they drove prices up to 163 pesos per one -way trip eleven kilometers by sea, ignoring the complaints of citizens, hiding behind them in the constant increases in fuel He forced them to increase the costs of passage.
On arrival Boat Caribbean, the picture changed as the new shipping company entered with a rate of 69 pesos per single journey for obvious reasons competing in the market with overseas and Cruise Ships with 163 pesos, generating losses to shipping that controlled pleasure this route.
It is argued that these two companies would be colluding to that by lowering their prices Boat Caribbean no longer have a wide margin of profit, and that the duopoly and have enough money in their bank accounts to meet its strategy, since for years they charged too much boat crossings.
They never bother people, but now lowered their prices and if they were to break the company Boat Caribbean, could return with augmented charged with higher rates and controlling at will again times, without cuts possible to enter a new company to provide the service, in fact it could be that it would be many years before there were any or us anymore.
The price for local citizens has basically remained unchanged at around 70 Peso's. The price war consists of Ultramar temporarily not charging tourists rates that are 133% higher than locals.
Paid 50 pasos each way yesterday... they all slashed prices like mad to match. 100 round trip.

Yes they all are still running.
That's crazy. Do you get a local price somehow, or do tourists get that rate?

The new ferry saved my butt a couple of years ago when my flight was delayed, then other business, and I didn't get to PDC until after the other two had stopped for the night. Those caps the girls have to wear look silly, but then you know you are on the one leading the price war - the right one, so I guess they serve their purpose.

The old two just want to go when it's convenient, and charge as much as possible.
I have pretty bad Spanish at at 6'2" even my tan doesn't help me blend in very well... I am not sure what rate it was. Written in marker on a sign and it was printed on the ticket too.... they expire in a year... perhaps I should stock up... provided they aren't broke in a few weeks.

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