Yea it did sound like a huge feat of accomplishment to get like the 30 miles in 14hrs? And it would of been alot sooner had they not run into early trouble (these may not be accurate numbers, I glanced at the details kind of quick.) Whether it's one dive or broken up by needing to refuel on something to eat is kind of pointless to debate, even if it is claimed a single dive. So more accurately it's an assisted propelled (towed) diving day of being in the water for 14 hrs crossing the channel. Biggest story was the lack of sharks. The project interest was to record shark numbers. DivetheCoast in 2013 is another planned lengthy dive, something like over 800 miles along the coast of California, (Oregon and maybe Washington might get in.) So it's not gonna be a "Iron Man" dive, but more like a chain of divers taking 2 to 4 miles in their area with the option to also note the inshore shark species as an interesting subject to focus on. This 30 mile dive was a one diver deal, Dive the Coast is open for all you divers here to contribute your massive dive experience to raise awareness to the public, and funds to whatever non profit, conservation group, fishing group, oceanography, ichthyology whatever. I'm pretty confident that you won't be evaluating what someone tried to do or how they did it, because you're invited as california divers, and you being directly involved in the project, these threads in 2013 will be more celebratory in terms of what we've accomplished!! Dive The Coast :: index P.S. I'm gonna be trying to get as far around Palos Verdes as I can with surface support, kayak, small boat, carrying or towing as many tanks as I need (15?,)starting at RAT beach and aiming to get to cabrillo beach. 15 divers would be better because I know I'm gonna be distracted checkin all the beauty of Palos Verdes! I'll aim for 15miles, maybe make 4, who knows maybe 8? So are you 5 divers in or what?