2nd Important Rule after the Golden Rule: Calm, Don't Panic when you're in the water

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Boston, MA
# of dives
25 - 49
hi guys,

my experience during my OW class.

At the final day, i was diving together with some ppl and my buddy was my instructor. So, off we went. Slowly, We were separated with other groups. They are taking photos on some fishes and stuff, since they are there to enjoy, where as I'm still "in-the-course".

At first, i was following my instructor. But few times she will dive down to the bottom, to get rid of some nets or strings that got stuck on the corals. and i'll have to wait for her at about 12m. Total depth was about 15m. so, After a few stops, i was like going first, and followed by my instructor. and somehow, after about 5 mins dive, i looked back, my instructor was not there, and was looking around but noone to be found. I'm there alone, a new diver, in the middle of the sea!

but well, i was not panic at that moment. i'm quite comfortable with water. oh, btw, i was a state swimmer, back in the 90s .. heheee Anyway, being steady and calm, i swam back the direction i came from, by looking at the bottom, and some landmarks, reminded me of my earlier route. after about 10mins, i bumped into the group of rec divers. I was a bit relieved then. i tagged along with them for about 5 mins, and saw my instructor in front, coming towards me. and i can see she is more panicked than me. then she signaled me, like scolding me, put her hand on her check few times, like trying to say "you make me scared"

so, i guess, when i was leading the way, maybe halfway through, she must have gone down again, thinking that i will notice her, and i'll stop, but in actual fact, i didn't notice her and just went ahead.

If i put myself in her shoes, i'll understand why she was so panic, scared and scolded me. imagine a new diver, lost in the middle of the sea. if I'm panic back then, i think i won't be posting this thread now :)

Diving can be a dangerous activity, but if you can handle yourself right, it will be an enjoyable activity.
Sounds like your instructor should have been a little more clear on just what was the dive plan and what you should do when he/she did "X". Cleaning up garbage, nets and stuff is fine, but keeping an eye on you was more important.
But yes remaining calm goes a long way to help with troubled situations.
Glad to hear you experienced it OK.
Sounds like your instructor was not paying enough attention to you. Gald to hear it went ok, and you are right staying calm and not panicing is always important.
Hey, my congratulations to you on your OW!!!
I hope that You learned a very important lesson...keeping track of a buddy is easier said than done. Even with good visibility, ecpecially if a little current is running, you can get separated very quickly if one of you takes a short mental vacation.
...somehow, after about 5 mins dive, i looked back, my instructor was not there...
Not panicking is good, but I don't see where you say you learned to not let 5 minutes go by before checking on you buddy.
well, actually it's not 5mins.. maybe about 2-3... but visibility was not quite good because of the raining season. so, when i looked back, i couldn't find her anymore.

well, back then, i was a novice diver, so all i know is go forward, and didn't really checked on my buddy as a real dive buddy. since she is my instructor, i "assumed" that she will be keeping an eye on me rather than the other way.

well, perhaps, this is a lesson for me.
Yeah, I didn't mean to sound so harsh. We've all done it. But I am generally disappointed at how most buddies don't seem to be very concerned with keeping track of their buddy.
Didn't they teach you to surface after one minute of being seperated?
might not be PADI cert..

the rule with PADI in case of buddy seperation is you search for 1 min then surface and regroup.. then decide to continue or end the dive.
First, congrats on your OW...
Now..your lessons here should be although you were the student and of course she should have been keeping an eye on you, you are still her buddy as well and you have to keep an eye on them, just as they have to keep and eye one you. The other poster was correct that sometimes this sounds simple but you have to pay attention.

I am not sure where your OW cert is from..but PADI teaches after 1 min of searching you surface, this way you and your buddy are not underwater searching for eachother, getting lost and running out of air..

Enjoy diving and watch out for your buddy!!

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