2nd annual Sink-O de Mayo Pre Invasion Trip

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Well, let's see,,,,,,

Outstanding trips to the Bibb, Duane, SG, Molasses Winch, and Eagle with Conch Republic and an outstanding dinner of saute'ed hogfish at Buzzard's Roost (they didn't have hog snapper on the menu :confused: :lotsalove: ) with eight new and old friends, all inside a 25 hour time frame. We had 100' viz and no current on all four dives Saturday.

Attached is the Duane profile (dive #2 of Saturday).

Today, we dove the Eagle and the conditions were a bit more "sporty" than yesterday with a solid 4' swell driving in with viz in the 50' range but Tim and I had an excellent dive, exploring some old areas to find new connections. After motoring toward shore to get out of the rough stuff, Captain Fred was making every effort to find a suitable dive site for the second dive but the group unanimously decided to call it day and head back in since the rougher conditions meant viz would be poor at best on the shallower reefs.

On the way home, Tim and I detoured off the Turnpike for some outstanding wings from the Sports Grill in Kendall. And it was good to be diving with Tim again as well :beerchug:

A big thanks to Truck1 (Ron) for taking initiative to make it all happen and to Capt. Gary and the entire CRD crew for keeping the girls (boats) running when Murphy came knocking.


  • duane20080426.jpg
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Here's the video I mentioned of Snoopy.... Conditions in that hallway were really snotty, someone had plowed thru already...

09102006 Spiegel Grove - Snoopy

9 minutes to get to the engine room eh...?
<embed id="VideoPlayback" style="width:400px;height:326px" flashvars="" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=672835529341621213&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>

I know I am not that computer savy but wt.......?

Nevemind, thats better
Thank you Brian.
Murphy I think was working overtime with us this weekend.
On the Plus side Blondeambition got to see her first eel and the bottom from under the waves (we finally got her weight belt issues nailed down.)

The night dive was great, finally meeting onebrightgator and meeting a diver and having the chance to dive with someone from Scotland. That was really cool. The reef at night ( Amys) was alive and well with lots of eels and sealife around. other than the surge it was a geat trip.Vis was the end of your light.

The morn am boat got off to a rocky start and I have to give credit to CRD Aquatic diver crew who changed out 2 different sets of fuel filters during the ride out.( this is when you learn the true value of haivng a twin engine boat-ask anyone on the afternoon boat coming back from the spiegle and the reef) The boat ran rough part of the way and then died completely at not quite to plan b, which was Sharks reef. We were within 1/2 mile of that when they went to work again and got the boat running long enough to get us there. The vis was about 40-50 feet and again everything was out and moving.Topside vis was all the way to the bottom.

Second reef was Horseshoe reef which was just as alive and almost the same conditions with several nusrse sharks out sleeping on the reef.

Again I have to give credit to Conchs crews as they were dealt a double blow from good ole murphy and not only rose to the ocasion, but went out of the way to make sure we got our dives in and enjoyed.

The dinner was also great meeting some new friends and enjoying a good meal,
( have to remeber where that rest is to go back to next time).Hopefully next time, we will have more people that will go with us and without the "Drama"
Is it just me, or does there seem to be a breakdown for every event? :11: Who needs to be thrown overboard? ;)

Meanwhile, over to the east a bit, Saturday was Christ of the Abbyss and North North Dry Rocks on Saturday, Elbow Reef and the City of Washington on Sunday. Today was 3-4's with the occassion 5 and 6' on the way out, which made for a fun ride.

And for those of you who missed dinner Saturday night, thanks, I'm still eating your ribs! :D :D :D
Just wanted to say thanks to John for manning the BBQ grill for me and to everyone else for a great weekend of Food, Drinks and Diving.
Sat was great got to take the boys to see the Christ of Abyss for the first time so well worth just seeing the looks on there faces as they told me all about it. Sea's were a bit rough but not bad. Today was a whole nuther story I felt like I was on a ride at Busch Gardens again the sea's where 4-5 with 6 thrown in for measure. Still had a good time and as always the cuda's always seem to find me. All I can say is this weekend was awesome with old friends and new ones.
Sorry some of you could not make the dinner/party we all have a good time.

As Brian said, Saturdays dives on the Duane & Bibb were about as good as it gets. 100+ feet of vis. and not a lick of current. It was great just hanging out doing our safety stops. I think ReefPhotoKelly said it best when she said the water was "Bluetiful".

Here are a couple of shots from the Duane & Bibb.

Deepstops on the Bibb

Netmage on the Bibb

The Bibb

The Duane

Duane again

ReefPhotoKelly on the Duane

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