Hi all,
I would like to buy RECHARGEABLE batteries for my wife's SP 350.
Alashas, you wrote that you had problems with Eneloop batteries. Did you CHARGE them before use? Because when delivered they are charged only to appr.75%!
Did you or anyone else try fully charged ENELOOPs in the SP 350 underwater? How many shots can one expect? Situation u/w is different to topside, because you almost always use flashlight, and temperature might be lower (depending on where you dive).
The problem with standard NiMHs is that they have a capacity of 2,500mAh or more, but they drop voltage after a very short time, and this lets the camera shut down or give it a low battery warning (even with firmware 1.4). So it is either Eneloops (or similar) or Li-Ion.
From what I have read here (and elsewher) Li-Ion rechargeables seem to be okay. But what I dislike: Another charger to carry with me, and there seems to be no way to find out if you get quality batteries or crap. Most of them seem to be re-labeled. And there seem to be problems, too: I have read that sometimes the inner fuse shuts them off,and it is very difficult to reanimate them.
Are the high capacity Li-Ion ones (up to 2,000mAh) really that strong? Any experience with reliability?