2024 Florida storms

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Tropical weather seasonal predictions are habitually wrong. When they say it should be a light year, we get slammed. When they say it will be a heavy year, we see little.

That’s a generalization of course…even a broken clock is right twice a day
That is exactly why I worded my preceding post the way that I did rather than say something like - oh boy, this is going to be a doosey. These guys are going to get slammed.

I don't know if a storm will pass that way or not. I do know that warm water fuels the big storms & the water in the areas I indicated is very warm right now. Anything about 82F (28C) is enough to fuel a hurricane. 87 is a lot. If a slow moving storm goes that way, it may find a lot of fuel right there at the potential landfall. It could be a real catastrophe. Or nothing could happen. Or anything in between.

It's hard to make predictions, especially about the future (Yogi Berra quote)

Anyone who listens to weathermen or politicians, is likely to be disappointed. (Me)

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