Namhae sounds lit. Alone? At least one buddy

will be lucky enough to accompany you.
I've done most of my diving in Korea with
ND Tec Global, the CEO is fluent in English and a very capable diver; but the gents at Expat Divers sound like great guys too. I've come across a lot of good things about Tim online. I'll have to give them a holler sometime soon.
Thanks a lot for offering to help with the logisitics down south. You must be quite familiar with the area, but I would hate to be a burden on your schedule. Me and my friend have managed to scrape by with our broken Korean so far. We'll give it a go down there too.
Divo and I have been tossing the idea around of getting together over coffee one of these days in Seoul and talking scuba. The more the merrier they say...