2003 TSDT EDG Flower Gardens trip

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near Houston, Texas
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1000 - 2499
I'm waiting on final confirmation of our dates so for now list our tentative date as Aug. 9-10. That's the weekend before the coral spawning but maybe we'll get lucky and some of the coral can't count! Since we couldn't get the spawning date, I opted for the day after the full moon for a great moonlight night dive.

At this time, I have openings for 2 divers and 1 DM...you guys were johnny on the spot for this trip! If there's enough interest, we might try a second trip.

The Sea Searcher website has alot of info on it and I'll be posting reminders and tips later. If you haven't been to the Flower Gardens or on the Sea Searcher II, here's some info you need to know...

The M/V Sea Searcher II is a 95ft. live aboard with a very uncrowded maximum of 18 divers. (The Rinn boats, which are the same size, max out with 33 divers!) They furnish the tanks with unlimited air. Sorry, no Nitrox. Breakfast, lunch, dinner & soft drinks plus in-between snacks are included. A fully equipped galley and large salon gives us plenty of room between dives. The Salon also has a TV, VCR and a CD/tape player for our convenience. Carpeting and air-conditioned throughout the boat.

There's also an upper sun deck if you like to toast. Comfortable sleeping arrangements for 18 insure a restful trip. These are large bunks, 4 to a room, and very comfortable. No narrow slots crammed into corners here! Two restrooms and two fresh water showers comes in handy, as does the camera station on the AFT deck with fresh water cleaning tank for us camera buffs. There's also a 12 ft. zodiac that will go fetch you if you get away from the boat. I've had the pleasure of this little craft a couple of times, thankfully!

We'll board the boat no later than 9pm the night before departure. Departure is usually around 10-11pm and when we are awakened the next morning, we'll be in the water for the first dive before breakfast! You can count on 8 and maybe 10 dives for the two-day trip, depending on the weather.

Speaking of weather, the Gulf is notorious for it's surprises! How many of you have planned trip to the FG's and gotten cancelled at the last minute? I had 12 trips in a row cancelled before I finally got out the first time! The final decision is made at noon the day we leave. If the seas are 4-5ft or less, we go. The best time frame is mid-July to mid- Sept. with the optimum time being around the second weekend in August. This is also the best time to see Whale Sharks and coral spawning! We'll need to book the trip quickly in order to hit this most popular time.

Diving in the Gulf of Mexico can be a challenge. If we're lucky the seas will be pancake flat and the currents slow. These are the conditions we dream about! They can also be 2-4ft seas, or higher, and a ripping current. This is also deep diving. The top of the Flower Gardens reef system is around 65 ft. The visibility is 70-100+ft. There is a strictly enforced 100ft depth limit. Because of these conditions, we ask that everyone carry at least an advanced rating with 20 or more dives or can show log book entries of similar dives within the last 6 months. Also, because the FG's are 110 nautical miles offshore, we strongly suggest that you have DAN or equivalent, dive insurance.

We'll also hit Stetson Banks, East and West. Stetson is one of the ugliest places on earth, IMHO, looking more like an underwater construction sight than a reef. But it is also known as the Nursery of the Gulf. For every Caribbean fish you can imagine
you'll see the juveniles there. And if you're lucky, you'll see a Yellow Spotted Trunkfish, which is only known to inhabit Stetson Banks.

A rig dive on one of the oil rigs will be our last dive on the way back to shore.

Cost should be $350 each, waiting on confirmation. Deposit is $50 per diver. I'd like to get our deposits in by Feb. 1st so start sending them in now.

We can have 14 divers and two free spots for Divemasters or Instructors. DM/Instructors need to be current and insured to go free, and will be required to be in the water with the divers at all times.

it sounds like a great trip to me and would love to go(very reasonable for the whats included) but my question is do i have to be a DM at the time of sign up or what because by the beginining of the summer i will have my DM rating. and by the trip even if delayed i should havee my DM rating plus insurance( personal and professional)

let me know via here or email


aka Lil Dan
I need experienced DM's for this trip. Experience both in DM'ing and in Gulf diving...100 miles offshore isn't the place to be new at anything!

Get a year's experience under your belt and we'll talk next year!
Both DM's spots have been filled and there is one, 1, uno diver spot left!

i sent you a PM but if that last spot is still left i would be intrested in going, just email or PM me were to send the deposit
I filled the last two spots with the first two PM's I received. I've started a waiting list so if you want to get on it, let me know. If we get enough on the waiting list I'll book another trip!

Tom....I'll be sending out PM's to everyone with my snail mail addy for deposits.

Here's our cast of characters for this trip...

Larry Day and 2 buddies
Scuba Barbie and husband Gary
Geek diver
Texas Mike
Campana and RobP will be our DM's.

On the waiting list in order is....
Robin...cyklon's SO
you're breakin' my heart. :uhoh: Two weeks later and I may have a chance to go.

Hear you about Gulf diving, a few years ago I did Timberholes out of Gulf Breeze and misjudged the surface current on the swim back to the boat. Oops, missed the boat, and the current was too strong to swim against once I drifted behind the boat. About 5 minutes later another diver popped up next to me in 2 foot chop that had done the same thing. There were DMs and Instructors down on Nitrox and the dive boat didn't have a rescue craft, so we were floating on our B.C.s for about 45 minutes (next stop Panama City) with ramorays giving us hickeys until everyone got back onboard and they could come pick us up. Oops. :sorry:

Ooo that sounds like a load of fun. What do they call that? Snorkel drift diveing. Last year I went out on the Fling, they didn't have to pick up anyone but the boat was swinging 180 depending on the curent and was a bit crazy. 4-5 ft seas didn't help either.

This is starting to shape up to be a good year of diving for me I can't wait, on the 24th I'm going to Costa Maya, then I taking Rescue once it starts to warm up a bit then Aug FG. I gotta quit being such a warm watter wuss during the cold season.


I just want to say thanks for putting in all the time and effort to get this started and planed I'm looking fwd to the trip.

GeekDiver once bubbled...
What do they call that? Snorkel drift diveing.
You're familiar with the technique, huh? Great way to get more time in the water. :D

4-5 ft. seas would make getting back on the boat pretty interesting. :eek:

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