1st trip to coz, what do i bring?

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Can someone confirm the rationale behind "no gloves - no knives"? I heard it was because you are discouraged from grabbing the reef or knifing the reef. Can this be true?

Yep, that's precisely why. I think that you can take the gloves on the wreck dive, though.
Sunglasses are a must for me, on the list of what to bring.:14:

What NOT to bring
=> Whiny brats

Hey, no fair, I want to gooo.
Any recommendations on what to wear to dinner in town.? I know some places are "dressier" than others. We will be in Coz next week (not sure where we are eating just yet). Thanks!
Can someone confirm the rationale behind "no gloves - no knives"? I heard it was because you are discouraged from grabbing the reef or knifing the reef. Can this be true?
The rationale is that without gloves or knives, people are much less likely to damage the reef or the inhabitants. The rationale for knives may also relate partially to the fact that all the wildlife is protected in the area around most of Cozumel (Parque Nacional?)

The reality is that those are the rules, and some dive ops adhere vigorously to the rules, and some dive ops are a bit more lax in their enforcement. You can't swing a cat in the Cozumel forum without hitting someone that swears they use gloves or they dove with people using gloves.

Likewise there are those that might argue that more damage is done if bare hands touch the reef because of blah blah blah.

I am more of a believer in trying to follow the rules. When in Rome, obey the Roman laws, regardless of whether you agree. (Although I have been known to have a knife in the built in scabbard on my console, so I guess I obey some laws . . kinding like my driving . . but I digress)

As far as I know, gloves are allowed when diving the C-53 Wreck in Cozumel. Guides on my dives there have used gloves on the ascent/descent line only.


Thanks for the compliments Christi; glad to amuse.

Cute response Kat. NO SOUP FOR YOU! I don't always bring sunglasses, so they are not a "must have" for me. You can buy cheapies on the island.

Nice to see you Bo! I am thinking about going back to Bonaire too. . . but then all this talk about Cozumel makes me conflicted. . .
Any recommendations on what to wear to dinner in town.? I know some places are "dressier" than others. We will be in Coz next week (not sure where we are eating just yet). Thanks!

Casual is suitable everywhere.

For men:
You may want to brng a nice cotton short sleeved button down or some polo type/gold shirts and shorts, jeans or casual pants are all acceptable.

For women:
Capri pants, summer type casual dresses, shorts are perfect.

If coming between now and March, bring a light sweater or windbreaker for the evenings...it actually CAN get chilly...like right now! I'm afraid we have a norte blowing in :( I'll pray that it passes by morning so that everyone can go diving!

Back to the topic...

What we consider "business casual" in the US is dressing up here.

I hope that helps.
Tank tops on men!!! Unless you want to look like one of the lemmings from the biggie piggie barges (cruise ships!!!)
Tank tops on men!!! Unless you want to look like one of the lemmings from the biggie piggie barges (cruise ships!!!)
In that case, you should also abstain from wearing black socks and sandals too.
Nice to see you Bo! I am thinking about going back to Bonaire too. . . but then all this talk about Cozumel makes me conflicted. . .

Good to see you too, John. I'm planning on both Coz AND Bonaire this year. :D I had such a great time on the last SB trip, I had pretty much decided on the flight back to do it again this September. ;) On the other hand, Cozumel is a hop, skip, and a jump from DFW, so I get down there a couple of times a year, and up until the Bonaire trip, it had been the best dive destination I've been to. It's pretty easy to fall in love with Coz. I've been there 7 times now, and never get enough of it. :)
My sunglasses are actually prescription, so it's either them or the seeing eye dog. LOL

My swimsuit is on that must have list too.
It can not be replaced, so easily. As it took hours of fitting room agonizing to finally decide that my rear end was really not as big as a Mack truck, in that particular suit. Of course I did have my sunglasses off at the time...so maybe it is that big.

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