120 cf tanks in the Bahamas?

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Reaction score
Farmington, NM USA
# of dives
500 - 999
Would anyone happened to know if any operator in All of the Bahamas is using 120cf tanks?

Why I ask: I got used to doing deco dives with Living Under Water (Jeremy) in Cozumel. We did some pretty deep diving and I'd like to find another operator in the Bahamas that will treat me like an experienced diver (after they get to know me... of course).

I've never dove the Bahama Islands AND know nothing about them...... if there is an operator that caters to the more exp. diver, I'll probably go where they're located.

Thanks for the help!
Bills' Bahama Divers ANd Stuarts Cove.They have either bought out or run out the others...Bill said he spends most of his time up north.....Both are more geared to the Day tripper crowd. dove with Bahama Divers Last monday,the 23rd ,,,They are very cautious and sent three DMs down the Lost blue hole with about 14 divers, My Spousal unit is a brand newby so it was a good thing for her, but when they say, "we'll dive for 40 minutes" , they mean 40 minutes, no matter if you have 1500 psi left...The equipment is good( used our own) and the clarity was FANTASTIC...
Hi WallDiver77,

There are none that I know of, but if you want diver freedom you won't find a more accommodating place than Small Hope Bay http://www.smallhope.com/.


No, I haven't made any final decisions yet, DocVikingo. I am planning to contact Small Hope and ask some questions, though. (I just haven't had time... This trip will take place right after I get out of school for the year in June; I teach.)

I know this: When I start diving with 80cf tanks again I'm going to have to remember to watch my consumption a little closer! Those 120cf propane tanks sure were nice!
Amen, Brother Wall. I'm a big fan of over-sized cylinders. When I'm in Coz it's all I dive.



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