10lb. Challenge #3

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Thank you for the motivation, Almity! I made it back to the gym today and worked out for 90 minutes. 1 hour on weight machines, and 28 minutes (10 miles) on the recumbant bike, and 2 minutes on the elliptical (realized it still hurts my knees).

I think I'm gonna try to make the lap swim tomorrow night.

I've noticed a couple things today. First, I realized that the food doesn't control me anymore! I control it! I realized that I no longer clean my plate off. I eat smaller portions and healthier choices. The second thing I noticed is that I wasn't wanting to quit my cardio after 5 minutes! LOL I just can't stand cardio... and would much rather just do weights, but I know I MUST do cardio... so I grit my teeth and do it. I made the WHOLE 28 minutes on the bike, and still felt like I could go more! Wow!

I went to lunch with a friend today, and she noticed that I've been losing weight! Yay!
Be careful about the controlling food thing. Many times I've thought I was in control and then BAM..the compulsion sneaked up on me again. That's why step 1 in AA, OA, NA and the other 12 step programs is "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol (food, drugs)—that our lives had become unmanageable."
As for wanting to quit cardio after 5 minutes, good for you for sticking with it. Sometimes it helps to take a class at the gym. Last night I took a spin class, and man, did I want to quit but the instructor kept me motivated. And she had a baby just 2 weeks ago. LOL
you know, the food intake has been minimal, low cal/carb stuff and water. Today a quick mile on the eliptical (like 11 minutes with a warm up of 3, on that thing, level 10, makes ya burn!) and a non stop weights training/toning circut 3 sets 10 reps at 6 stations.

I'm not losing weight persay, just shifting fat to muscle. :)
Be careful about the controlling food thing. Many times I've thought I was in control and then BAM..the compulsion sneaked up on me again. That's why step 1 in AA, OA, NA and the other 12 step programs is "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol (food, drugs)—that our lives had become unmanageable."
As for wanting to quit cardio after 5 minutes, good for you for sticking with it. Sometimes it helps to take a class at the gym. Last night I took a spin class, and man, did I want to quit but the instructor kept me motivated. And she had a baby just 2 weeks ago. LOL

I totally understand what you're saying. I must say, though... I was craving crab rangoon on Monday... and was ready to do anything to get some crab rangoon! Finally, I convinced the hubby that he needed to stop at the chinese place and I'd run in a get an order... I told him it was better to confront my craving (in some cases) than to completely ravage it the next day! LOL So... I got an order. There's 6 in the order. I ate 4, and gladly put the other 2 down. Now... if I were to do that with a coke or pepsi, I don't think I could put it down. I just steer clear of the sodas.... all of them! It's been nearly 2 weeks since I've had one!
It gets better with time. I had some coke type drink a while ago and couldn't beleive how sickening sweet it was! Yech!
I totally understand what you're saying. I must say, though... I was craving crab rangoon on Monday... and was ready to do anything to get some crab rangoon! Finally, I convinced the hubby that he needed to stop at the chinese place and I'd run in a get an order... I told him it was better to confront my craving (in some cases) than to completely ravage it the next day! LOL So... I got an order. There's 6 in the order. I ate 4, and gladly put the other 2 down. Now... if I were to do that with a coke or pepsi, I don't think I could put it down. I just steer clear of the sodas.... all of them! It's been nearly 2 weeks since I've had one!
I can relate ... some cravings are worse than others. I am able to ration my pizza intake ... but I had to go "cold turkey" with fried chicken ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
As I posted in another thread, I was wondering how I went from 175# and 9% bodyfat at 35, to 226# and out of breath on a walk to the fridge by 49. But this challenge got me thinking about my overall health and finally doing something about it. I gave up smoking and caffeine (well 95%) last year. I lost 43# officially the year before going to weight watchers with my wife (went just to support her, ended up healthier. Who knew?) I was lighter but not necessarily in better shape. I gained 10 lbs back from October this year until joining this fun loving bunch last week. So last night was my first official gym visit in 2 1/2 years. I don't hurt as badly as I thought I might (I have a great trainer), but still realize how sedentary I had become.

This is a great support group here. I am sure many if not all of you will be successful in your pursuit of better health! "Thank-you" to all of you for the shove I needed away from the couch and into the gym.

And by the way, I'm down 4# since joining the challenge.
Go Merxlin. It ain't fun till you are done each day and writing about it on line...Just check here each day and we will nag you to death
Yeah Merxlin
Hi Gang,

well..........between slowing down for the winter months and quitting smoking, I've been putting on some weight.

would someone kindly PM me when the next 10lb challenge starts??

What a great support group!!
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