BeachJunkie:I don't have a drysuit or a thick enough wetsuit to do pennyroyal right now. How's mermet as far as temperature? I'd love to get a little more diving experiences than just cerulean. I was actually thinking about heading down to panama city sometime around labor day weekend. Anyone intersted? I know its a long drive for most. I'm just itching to get back into the ocean instead of a quarry.
Yes, Chris is right. Most of Pennyroyal's & Mermet's interesting stuff is in the shallows. Right now you could go in just with what mother nature gave you:11: (though I wouldn't suggest it) . Both Pennyroyal & Mermet's first thermocline are at about 35'. It doesn't get..... shall we say "refreshingly cool" until you hit about 50'. If you wear a 3mm, wetsuit you should be comfy until about 40' or so. The surface of both quarries is at about 85- 88 degrees.