With regard to each:
1. Country Church - i see no steeple, but plenty of country - nice tach's too!!
2. Joyce - used to be an agony aunt for a popular magazine
3. John Bult - what need i say, she doesnt look to happy about her b'day and he looks like he is going to give her a big surprise later that night after they have finished their drinks and she is drunk - i think i would look upset too if that were the case
4. The ...... Quintet - i wouldnt touch them with a barge pole (or Andy's 6ft hose)
5. The McKeithen's - wholesome family, apart from the bride of Frankenstein's monster in the front, i think the bolts are hidden very well by 70's make-up.
6. Millie Jackson - cousin of Janet - equally bad wardrobe malfunction - only magnified somewhat - let me see what her future holds.....
7. Orleans - the first naturist band and leaders of the San Franscisco same-sex marriage movement (or now Providencetown i think) - except with poligamy
8. Tino - "hello ladies, Tino is here to satisfy your every need, oh oppps, sorry ladies maybe later, i think i excited myself too much" (said in horrible spanish/english twisted way - kind of like Fez that 70's show)
9. Tops(?) - well arent they having a jolly time, i think it is also the first time they have tried alcohol as well - who would have thought such an evil influence...
10. Devastatin' Dave, the turntable slave - must have been done on a dare, using most of Batman's comic action noise except ka-blam, kapow, zonk - the name says it all for me.
BTW, all comments not meant to insult anyone - in case you have any of these albums or fit into the types of stereotypes i used.