FAQ 10,000 Character Limit

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10,000 Character Limit​

ScubaBoard's forum software limits individual posts to a maximum of 10,000 characters, including spaces and BB codes. The one exception is the Article forum type which can have up tp 30,000 characters.


Click the "X" in the upper-right corner of the error window.

Oh No! What Now?​

The first thing that comes to mind when you see this error message is you don't want to lose your work. In most cases, this limit is reached by Copying & Pasting from a word processing program so your word-craft is safe. It can also happen when editing a post within the 24 hour limit. The only options are:
  • Make the post more concise
  • Select part of your post near the end and Cut. Then Paste into a subsequent Reply/post, effectively making it into a Multi-Post Thread
  • Toggle the editor window to the BB Code view and paste it into a word processing or text editing program for safe-keeping and to rethink the content.

Checking the Character Count​

One of the easiest ways to determine the number of characters in a thread is to switch the ScubaBoard editor into the BB mode.



Note that the Gear icon to Toggle BB code views is black in the normal WYSIWYG view and red in the BB Code view.


Click anywhere in the editing window and select all text. The easiest method is to use the Ctrl-A keyboard shortcut to select All, or Command-A for Macs. Then copy the contents into a word processing program, and perform a word-count. For example, here is a word count report from Microsoft Word:

Additional Limits​

A maximum of 10 images are allowed as of this writing.

Use Report to correct broken links, typos, or make suggestions.

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