1 week post sinus surgery

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Well, I'm 1 week post sinus surgery, They went up... well,.... down into my maxillary sinuses and cut out golfball sized polyps, My EMT was completly surprised that I had dove just weeks before my surgery....nevertheless I have been completly without pain(good) and well on my way to a complete recovery in which my EMT plans to release me back to diving in 3 months:11doh:
Eric - great news that you are recovering without much pain. Did you have any work on your septum or just sinuses?

Boy do I remember that part of life. Didn't have polyps but they did reset my septum and open up sinus passages. I wish that I could say that it was done pain free. Wasn't bad though.
Thanks for the kind words, as far as I can understand he went into my sinuses, pulled out alot of material that was not comming out!! took a drill and opened up the holes that allow the sinuses to drain, lastly apparently in our nasopharyangeal space(behind our nose) he removed a piece of tissue that is called the Bullosa that had occlued my eithmoid sinuses, so no septum surgery, But well within the oh my God that should have hurt more catagory....Thanks ERic
It made a world of difference for me and was well worth it. In fact if I didn't have the surgery I wouldn't be diving today. My left Eustachian tube had so much mucus flow over it that I couldn't clear it.
Most people laugh when I say that I love it now that I can sleep with my mouth closed.
Glad to hear your results. This afternoon I went in for a CT scan of my sinuses. :eek:

Carpenter, what you had done is what my ENT is considering for me but he obviously wants the CT scan results to confirm his diagnosis. I get the normal colds or allergies like everyone else but then my sinuses are plugged up sometimes for weeks and once it gets so bad its in the Eustachian tubes, fuhgettaboutit...

Erik, three months seems like a long time off diving (even it it would be over the winter). Is that a common amount of recovery time before diving? <sigh>

Recovery time sounds about right to me, I think mine was 2 months. Now I did go back in for a clean up surgery. They use to do this without putting you under but found out it was much easier for everyone. Basically they make sure that everything is healing nicely and clean out what doesn't need to be there.
I saw a couple people that didn't do what the doc said to do after their surgery and it wasn't good. It's not the most enjoyable times but it makes life a lot easier. Grin and bear it and enjoy your changed life afterwards.
While in recovery, my wife spoke with the ENT, he had informed her that he was up around my brain....yikes! and he informed her that he didn't damage my brain and no cerebral spinal fluid was leaking....... in my maxillary sinuses, thats good to know, apparently infection is a common risk, and I could imagine whatever bug(not being a lobster) we might pick up in the sea,lake, or pool could really mess things up and cause more serious infections like menigitis, which really sucks, another problem for me is I believe that within our sinuses we have a mucosal lining that is normal for all of us and after my surgery I believe that mine was scrapped away thus allowing healthy tissue to grow back, If I dove prior to that tissue healing and strengthining(sp?) I believe the pressure could cause injury to young tissue....nevertheless the Aquarium is fine with the absence and we are pregnant with our second child, so no "DIVING FOR ME" (Quote: the soup nazi Seinfield) no offense intended with the nazi thing
Man you are lucky. Years ago I had my sinuses done. They cauterized areas to open my breathing passageway. None of it worked. Mind you I was young then and didn't know better - hence I didn't research this doc :shakehead: Years later I found he was a horrid doc and people do not refer to him because of his record :11doh: Anyway, this surgery was so painful that I rank it next to natural child birth! Yes, that bad. 20 or so years later - I can still remember the pain.

Glad you are healing well and feeling good.


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