Who wants to join an Underwater Photography Workshop in Bonaire on January 20 - 27, 2018?
Bonaire is the perfect place to improve your underwater photography skills!
The workshop will take place at Buddy Dive Resort, this will be our 3rd Annual Underwater Photography Workshop in Bonaire...
Hi! I have been wanting to take scuba diving class and a friend recommended Signature Scuba Dive Shop in Rancho Cucamonga. I live in the Inland Empire area, can you guys suggest any other places for scuba diving lessons?
Hi everyone!
I am new to the Monterey area and I am looking for some SCUBA buddies! I will be out here from June 15th until the end of July. I am excited to really dive this area!
Please reply if you are interested, either if you live here or dive in this area frequently. Thanks!
In terms of tourism, the seasons in Thailand can be divided into 2: The dry season and the wet season.
Most divers come to Thailand during the dry season for obvious reasons.
But what is diving really like during the rainy season?
Is it even possible to dive in Thailand during the rainy...
Watch this...
Amber's First Ocean Dive
Amber, who suffered a Spinal Cord Injury and at 21, is considered a C5 quadriplegic. She started to experience freedom underwater with Diveheart beginning in...
This week University Students from Eckerd College in Tampa who are also members of the Scuba Jew Dive Club are completing Diveheart Adaptive training and getting Real Life experience with Adaptive Divers at Rainbow Reef Dive Center in Key Largo Florida. The students chose Diveheart as their...
Friends of Diveheart came together today at the Beneath the Sea Dive show in New Jersey to share donations and spread the word of Diveheart's Mission and Vision with others....You can too at www.diveheart.org
Enjoyed Saturday's dive so much I returned to Laguna with Frank on Sunday morning to do it again. Surface conditions were nearly identical, although the marine layer was a little thicker and the swell seemed to pick up just a bit. Underwater the viz had dropped somewhat, there was surge on the...
Heart of a Firefighter...Today Diveheart Adaptive Diver Kiel Brown received a surprise honor because of his hard work and tireless service to other divers during Diveheart Scuba Adventure trips. Kiel received two "Diveheart Crew" shirts that he can proudly wear when helping others. Before being...
disabiled dive training
disabled dive research
disabled divers association
dive training
handicapped dive travel
handicapped diving
scubadivescuba training
What A Pleasant Surprise...Dive clubs from around Illinois came together to support Diveheart recently at the Our World Underwater Scuba Show. Margo Miller of the Illinois Council of Skin and Scuba Divers presented a check from the organization to help Diveheart continue it's work in Scuba...
Hope You'll join me, Diveheart Founder & President Jim Elliott, and the Diveheart Family March 10th at Skeleton Key Brewery in Woodridge Illinois for Awesome Music, Food & Fun
Empowerment Under the Sea Charity Event
Fri 6 PM ·...
Congrats to our Executive Director Tinamarie Hernandez who received her Certificate of Achievement for Civic Leadership for Nonprofits from NIU today!!! Thank you to Giving DuPage, the organization that supports DuPage Non-profits, for giving Tinamarie and other local nonprofit leaders the...
Hi everyone,
As a fellow scuba diver here on Scubaboard.com I would like to ask you for your support and invite you all to my new Youtube channel where I am posting my video Vlogs, Scuba Vlogs, Scuba Diving Trips, Gavin Scooter and DPV stuff and much more. All my videos are also categorized so...
Today you can visit with Diveheart Executive Director Tinamarie Hernandez at the Dive Show is Frisco Texas and Diveheart Founder Jim Elliott at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach California at the Festival of Human Abilities. They share the benefits of Scuba Therapy in this recent WDCB...
Today Springfield Illinois Rotarians, like so many other Rotarians, Lions and other service organizations around the world came together to share the Diveheart mission and vision of Hope and Healing through Scuba Therapy. If your organization, club or group would like a presentation about...
All smiles all around :)
A big thank you to my dedicated committee for being there every step of this journey and making Dive Without Barriers possible! My heart is filled knowing that all participants, volunteers, instructors had a great time. We will work on improving to serve you better...
dive training
dive training magazine
handicapped dive training
handicapped scuba association
scubadivescuba diving
scuba therapy
scuba therapy research
scuba training
Today's Diveheart Scuba Experience program with NISRA ( Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association) was another home run. Huge congrats to Sara, Tinamarie, Dave, Glen, Mike and the rest of the Diveheart team for their incredible dedication.
disabiled dive training
disabled divers association
disabled scubadive training
handicapped dive training
handicapped scubascubadivescuba therapy
scuba training
Huge Congrats to Diveheart Malaysia Lead Syed for sharing the Kidsscuba /Diveheart story at the recent Selangor International Expo at the Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre, Sri Kembangan Selangor.
Dive the Blue Heron Bridge every day this winter when you rent this 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fully furnished duplex located within walking distance of the bridge. Contact me for more information.
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