rainbow reef

  1. DiveHeart

    Guess who's leading Diveheart's Marine Science Adaptive Camp This July?

    Guess Who's Leading This Year's Diveheart Marine Science Adaptive Scuba Camp in Key Largo Florida??? Thats Right! Diveheart Founder & President Jim Elliott will Personally be Heading up the July 13-17 Camp Trip. Adaptive Divers from eleven to sixteen years old are welcome to participate. Camp...
  2. DiveHeart

    Divers of ALL abilities invited to join Diveheart in Key Largo this Summer!

    Welcome to Key Largo!!!! Divers of All Abilities are Welcome to Join Diveheart to Dive with the #1 Dive Operation in the Florida Keys... Rainbow Reef. Join us this June thru Sept 2020. Contact Diveheart at info@diveheart.org for more information. Interested in doing adaptive scuba buddy or...
  3. DiveHeart

    #1 Instructor Training Center Doubles It's Adaptive Training in 2020

    Why Does Rainbow Reef in Key Largo the # 1 Instructor Scuba Training Center in the Country....LOVE doing Diveheart Adaptive Training for Instructors & Dive Buddies? You'll have to ask Them! Or You can Join Them...They offer Diveheart Training Twice a Month in 2020... Check it out...
  4. DiveHeart

    Magical Moments Like This Change Lives!

    How can you help us replicate magical moments like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm4G174B6g0 #donate#payitforward #giving #charity #therapy YOUTUBE.COM Diveheart NBC Nightly News
  5. DiveHeart

    Looking for a comprehensive adaptive scuba training program???

    Where in the world can you find the most comprehensive Adaptive scuba training for dive instructors and dive buddies? Find out at training@diveheart.org ....but if you're in the Florida Keys check out the Adaptive Training program at Rainbow Reef dive center on Key Largo DiveHeart Certification...
  6. DiveHeart

    Another Awesome Adaptive Dive Day with Diveheart & Rainbow Reef

    Another Awesome Day with Diveheart at Rainbow Reef. Congratulations to all the Adaptive Divers, volunteers, supporters and Rainbow Reef Staff who made this a huge success. #scubatherapy #adaptivescuba#rainbowreef #rehabilitation #freedom #independence #selfesteem#innerspace #aquanaut
  7. DiveHeart

    The "Power of Partnership" grows Adaptive Scuba Worldwide!

    What is the "Power of Partnership" doing to promote Adaptive Scuba around the world? Well, at Rainbow Reef in Key Largo, You can see what the Diveheart, Rainbow Reef Partnership looks like in Action, as togethe,r they grow Adaptive Scuba Opportunities & Training for People of All Abilities...
  8. DiveHeart

    Diveheart & Rainbow Reef Welcome Divers of All Abilities!

    Attention, Divers of All Abilities!...You are welcome to join Diveheart and Rainbow Reef in Key Largo Florida September 8-13 on a Life Changing Scuba Adventure Trip...Reserve Your Spot Today...Hope to See You There! #rainbowreef #keylargo #keylargodiving #scubatraining#divetraining #scubatherapy...
  9. DiveHeart

    Wetsuit Donning Can Be Fun With A Little Help From Your Friends

    Donning your wetsuit can be fun when your adaptive buddies are helping make it easy. Learn how to properly don wetsuits for adaptive divers and more through the Diveheart Adaptive Buddy & Instructor Training program http://www.diveheart.org/training/get-started/ #adaptivetraining#divetraining...
  10. DiveHeart

    Adaptive divers splash today in Key Largo....

    From Theatre of the Sea yesterday... to the Sea Today... Diveheart adaptive divers got to dive with help from our friends at Rainbow Reef Dive Center in Key Largo. The weather held out unlike yesterday. We're keeping our fingers crossed for tomorrow. Stay tuned! #freedom#rehabilitation...
  11. DiveHeart

    Arguably the best photo of the Christ Statue in Key Largo!

    Today another group of Diveheart Adaptive divers gets to dive with the Christ statue....if the weather holds up! Wish us luck as we join our friends at Rainbow Reef in Key Largo for another life changing scuba adventure http://www.rainbowreefidc.com/…/diveheart-certification-an…/#divekeylargo...
  12. DiveHeart

    Metro DC TV station features Diveheart in July......

    Why is a Metro DC TV station following Diveheart to Key Largo this month? And who will they be featuring? Tune in to find out more.... https://www.wusa9.com/…/65-457ec13e-0816-489b-8860-329e9ff9…#rainbowreef #metrodc #scubatherapy #freedom #disabilities#childrenwithdisabilities #innerspace...
  13. DiveHeart

    This blind Vet brought over a billion in tourism to America....How?

    Today let's celebrate a veteran who made history and helped bring at least a billion tourism dollars to America through a selfless act of kindness #christstatue #christofthedeep #christoftheabyss#keylargodiving #rainbowreef #rainbowreefdivecenter #adaptivescuba#koreanwar #blindveterans...
  14. DiveHeart

    School shooting can't stop this intrepid young lady from Scuba

    Huge Congratulations to our newest Diveheart Adaptive diver Karina Santiaguin from Colorado. Karina, did her Adaptive Dive training at @RainbowReef Dive Center in @KeyLargo. Rainbow trains more @DiveHeart Adaptive Instructors and Adaptive Buddies than anyone else, and those Adaptive instructors...
  15. DiveHeart

    Meet Captain Pete from Rainbow Reef...Adaptive IT Examiner

    Meet Pete....from Rainbow Reef Dive Center in Key Largo Florida.....Diveheart Instructor Trainer Examiner.... https://www.facebook.com/Rainbow.Reef.Dive.Center/videos/2058191264486585/ #scubatraining #adaptivescuba #adaptivescubatraining#physicaltherapy #scubatherapy #rehabilitiation...
  16. DiveHeart

    What does a Diveheart Adaptive Instructor Trainer Examiner Look Like?

    What does a Diveheart Adaptive Instructor Trainer Examiner look like? Well, that all depends where you go to do your Adaptive Scuba Instructor trainer training. In Key Largo at Rainbow Reef you get the guy on the right. In Cozumel or other places around the world you may get the guy on the left...
  17. DiveHeart

    Weather can't stop the Diveheart Crew this week in Key Largo

    Weather won yesterday and kept the Diveheart adaptive dive team off the oceans, but they made the best of it by touring with our friends at the History of Diving museum and enjoying lunch at City Hall. And a huge thanks to our new friend and donor Chris who covered our lunch. Today the seas look...
  18. DiveHeart

    Breaking News: The Real Story Behind the Christ of the Deep!

    Breaking News: This humble blind Korean War Veteran made history over fifty years ago... and brought millions of international tourism dollars to the Florida Keys. The Real Story of the Christ Statue in Key Largo. #christofthedeep #christstatue #christoftheabyss #koreanwarveteran#blindveterans...
  19. DiveHeart

    Americas #1 Instructor training Center has made its choice in Adaptive Scuba

    Where does Diveheart Adaptive buddy and instructor training rate? At Rainbow Reef in Key Largo, the number one instructor training center in the country, it's at the top of the list! Rainbow Reef's monthly Diveheart Adaptive buddy and instructor training classes are quickly growing Adaptive...
  20. DiveHeart

    Americas #1 Instructor training Center has made its choice in Adaptive Scuba

    Where does Diveheart Adaptive buddy and instructor training rate? At Rainbow Reef in Key Largo, the number one instructor training center in the country, it's at the top of the list! Rainbow Reef's monthly Diveheart Adaptive buddy and instructor training classes are quickly growing Adaptive...
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