rainbow reef

  1. DiveHeart

    New Crop of Diveheart buddies graduate this week from Rainbow Reef

    Congratulations to the newest group of Diveheart Adaptive Dive Buddies! #rainbowreefdivecenter #keysidc #diveheart #adaptivediver#adaptivediving #scuba #diving #scubadiving #adaptivetechniques#DIVEInstructor #adativedivebuddy #padi
  2. DiveHeart

    Key Largo Adaptive Training & Trips Lead the World!

    This Summer do you want more experience diving and training with Adaptive Divers? Want to become an Adaptive Dive Buddy, Advanced Buddy or Instructor? Rainbow Reef in Key Largo conducts monthly Diveheart Adaptive training... and this summer, Diveheart has several Adaptive Dive trips to Rainbow...
  3. DiveHeart

    Want to join Diveheart on This Summer's Key Largo Trips???

    Diveheart has announced their summer Keys' trips with Rainbow Reef in Key Largo Florida if you are an adaptive diver or adaptive dive buddy or instructor please don't hesitate to sign up as soon as possible. These trips fill up fast. #rainbowReef #divekeylargo #diveflorida...
  4. DiveHeart

    Blind ski clinics inspired Diveheart's innovative adaptive training program

    What do blind ski guides and Diveheart adaptive buddy candidates have in common? Answer: The Diveheart adaptive land clinic was modeled after blind ski clinics that Diveheart's founder & president Jim Elliott helped design in the 1980's to increase empathy and understanding in the guides who...
  5. DiveHeart

    Teamwork doesn't seem work with Diveheart partners...

    The power of partnerships plays out on land and at the dive site. Diveheart trained adaptive instructors, divemasters and dive buddies come together in synchrony to assist adaptive divers so that they can safely experience freedom in zero gravity. It's the most rewarding diving you'll ever do...
  6. DiveHeart

    Want to help grow adaptive scuba therapy in Spanish speaking communities?

    Monthly Diveheart adaptive instructor and buddy training at Rainbow Reef in Key Largo is also available in Spanish. Check it out http://www.rainbowreefidc.com/…/diveheart-certification-an…/ Now you can share the most innovative adaptive scuba training program in the world with your Spanish...
  7. DiveHeart

    Want to join next month's adaptive dive training in Key Largo?

    Yesterday, Full Face mask quadriplegic training in confined and open water wrapped up the Diveheart Adaptive Instructor training at Rainbow Reef in Key Largo. Congratulations to the new crop of Diveheart Adaptive Instructors. You can join one of Rainbow Reef's monthly Diveheart adaptive training...
  8. DiveHeart

    Selfless Young Man forgoes personal gifts for Adaptive Divers...

    Keep the birthday fundraisers coming...HUGE thanks to Zack Bernstein who chose Diveheart as his charity not only for his birthday this year...but he also chose Diveheart as the charity for his Bar Mitzvah years ago where Zack and his family were able to raise significant additional funds for...
  9. DiveHeart

    How Has Blind Ski Training Influenced Adaptive Scuba Training?

    How has Blind Downhill Ski guide training benefited Adaptive Scuba Training for Scuba Instructors & buddies? Well, this weekend at Rainbow Reef in Key Largo Florida, Scuba Instructors from as far away as Brazil learned how the unique Diveheart Adaptive Scuba training for the blind actually came...
  10. DiveHeart

    This weekend...Diveheart's power of partnership from Key Largo to Long Beach

    Diveheart just had a Big weekend showing how the "Power of Partnership" worked at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach and at Rainbow Reef in Key Largo where a new crop of new Scuba Instructors graduated. Some will continue on to start their Diveheart Adaptive Instructor training this...
  11. DiveHeart

    Want to help Diveheart Succeed in 2019????

    If 90% of success is showing up! We hope you will show up or support a Diveheart event in 2019....Happy New Year to every friend of Diveheart around the world... and thank you for making 2018 a huge success... #friends #giving #scubatherapy #volunteer #therapy #love #sharing#charity
  12. DiveHeart

    Monthly Adaptive Scuba Instructor & Buddy courses @ Rainbow Reef in Key Largo

    Monthly Adaptive scuba Instructor & dive buddy courses at Rainbow Reef in Key Largo give instructors, divemasters and divers who want to become Adaptive buddies several chances to get Diveheart Adaptive certified. Check it out here http://www.rainbowreefidc.com/…/diveheart-certification-an…/...
  13. DiveHeart

    Are you at DEMA in Vegas? Why not learn more about Adaptive Diving?

    If so, don't forget forget to stop by the Diveheart booth #658 to find out more about adaptive scuba therapy programs around the world. Today was another huge success. Thanks to all our partners on the DEMA floor and don't forget to enter the Diveheart partnership treasure hunt contest that...
  14. DiveHeart

    New crop of Rainbow Reef trained Diveheart Adaptive Instructors hit the street

    Huge congrats from Diveheart Headquarters....can't wait to dive with you guys on a future Diveheart Scuba Adventure trip with Rainbow Reef. Thanks to Diveheart Instructor Examiner Peter Bernal Congrats to David and Kelly on completing their Diveheart Adaptive Scuba Instructor training! Ask us...
  15. DiveHeart

    #1 Instructor Training Program is also a 5 Star Diveheart Facility...

    Rainbow Reef continues its monthly Diveheart adaptive instructor and buddy training courses. If you're currently a scuba instructor or looking to become a scuba instructor and a Diveheart adaptive instructor so that you can help children, veterans and others with disabilities go no further than...
  16. DiveHeart

    New Diveheart Adaptive Instructor Trainer Examiner at Rainbow Reef

    Whether he's coordinating transfers on the boat, out of the water, training adaptive instructors or driving Diveheart adaptive divers to their dive site, Peter Bernal is a Rock Star at Rainbow Reef in Key Largo and now Peter is a Diveheart Instructor Trainer Examiner...So, if you would like to...
  17. DiveHeart

    Coral Reef Restoration Foundation/Rainbow Reef & Diveheart...Winning Combination

    Recently the Coral Restoration Foundation™ had the opportunity to work with an organization whose inspiring mission enables individuals with disabilities to experience the magic of the ocean. Using the therapeutic weightlessness of water, Diveheart helps children, adults, and veterans to seek...
  18. DiveHeart

    Busy week for south Florida Diveheart team....

    It was a busy week for the Palm Beach County Diveheart team as they participated in a Spinal Cord Injury festival and got some of the participants in the water for a Diveheart Scuba Experience. Keep up the great work! #veteranswithdisabilities #scubatherapy #adaptivescuba#diveheart #rainbowreef...
  19. DiveHeart

    From Thai Rescue to Adaptive Scuba Supporter...Ocean Reef Rocks...

    Visiting the Ocean Reef Headquarters near Genoa Italy was amazing today. But what was more amazing was discovering the story behind how Ocean Reef played a part in the Thai soccer team rescue, as told by Luca Gamberini of Ocean Reef. As a partner with Diveheart in Adaptive Scuba Therapy, Ocean...
  20. DiveHeart

    Diveheart Scuba Adventure Begins in Key Largo....

    Day number one was a huge success @Rainbow Reef in Key Largo where Diveheart volunteers and Adaptive Divers came together to enjoy the calm clear waters and amazing reefs there. #rainbowreef #diveheart #adaptivescuba #scuba #diving #scubadiving #scubatherapy #charity
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