gue fundamentals

  1. DCN

    Beginners doing GUE fundamentals?

    We are beginner divers, certified OW in August last year, and we did our drysuit course in October. We've been diving almost every weekend since, all of it in cold water, with a bpw & long hose config, and we are fairly comfortable with handling the gear and conditions. We've learned a lot from...
  2. OtherHalf

    DIR- Generic Course Report: GUE Fundies in Dahab with Mahmoud Esmat

    TL;DR: Fundies is useful and recommended, Mahmoud Esmat is a great instructor, Scuba Seekers in Dahab is helpful and very tech/DIR friendly. Background: I entered fundies with around 100 dives under my belt, the vast majority of those in a backplate and wing configuration. I had taken a course...
  3. ScubaSamScubaStevesFather

    Question GUE Fundies - Drysuit or Wetsuit?

    TDI ER tech diver here looking to get GUE Fundies tech pass. I’d like to know if it’s easier to accomplish this goal using a wetsuit or drysuit, with the goal of choosing the harder option so I can more easily translate the skills I learned to the easier exposure option. I’m especially...
  4. S

    DIR- Generic Modified flutter kick technique

    Dear my fellow divers, i am currently doing the GUE fundie, and i have been having trouble getting my head around the movement of modified flutter kick. I am struggling to get the fins to “flick” , does anyone have any tips on getting this finning technique ? My instructor told me i just need...
  5. N

    DIR- GUE Looking for course buddy - GUE Fundamentals @ Scuba Seekers, Dahab in December

    Hi, I'll be taking Sameh's GUE Fundamentals class in December and am looking for a course buddy. Details below, if you are interested and / or need more details please let me know. Instructor: Sameh Sokar Date: 16.-19.12.2022 Location: Scuba Seekers, Dahab, Egypt Recent course review on this...
  6. digitalMechanic

    DIR- GUE Course Review - GUE Fundamentals with Sameh Sokar, October 2022

    About a year ago, I started diving again after a few dry years. At about the same time, I came across a random video on YouTube showing a diver deploying an SMB. The diver was absolutely still in the water - I told myself immediately that this is how I want to look underwater. I started digging...
  7. OctoHelm

    DIR- GUE Input and Advice on my GUE Training Path and GUE Courses

    Hello! I hope this post finds you safe, healthy, and in good spirits during these challenging times. Just a little bit of information before I begin: I'm a 16 year old guy, who is currently in my Junior year of High School. I am currently diving every week for around 3.5 hours in our pool...
  8. Santhosh

    Advise in getting back to dive

    Hello, Just to give some background about my diving history, I got my OW in Oct 2016 and did around 10dives. During my dives I always had issues with trim and buoyancy so decided to take some course to improve my diving. I took AOW in 2017 assuming this will help me in learning new skills and...
  9. dewdropsonrosa

    DIR- GUE Fundamentals: Swim Test Experience Report (August 2019)

    The swim test. The dreaded swim test. Historically speaking, the swim test is a source of anxiety for many divers new to GUE. And it makes sense: most people have swim-for-leisure experience, not swim-for-exercise experience; recreational agencies typically have low-rigor requirements...
  10. tmassey

    My descent into and out of madness: GUE Fundamentals, or Instruction vs Evaluation

    (Please see my request regarding debate and arguing at the end of this post. TL;DR: Please just don't. Start a new thread if you have something to argue or debate. T.J.M.) I'm signed up for a GUE Fundamentals class which starts in just a couple of weeks. It's been a long journey: a decade...
  11. E

    DIR- GUE How to become a GUE instructor?

    Can a GUE instructor answer this question in detail. How long does it take? How do you go about it? An instructor trainer and evaluator (what’s the difference between the two). What has to be done to earn the right to teach even just the basic classes like fundies, doubles, Drysuit? Also for...
  12. Topper133

    Fundamentals – Back to Basics - [My UK course report]

    Back to basics sounds easy doesn’t it? Having plenty of dives, being current, many technical, on open and closed circuit, you’d think GUE fundamentals would be fairly easy and just polish off what you probably think is a reasonable diver to begin with……………….I wish! “Back to basics” is true...
  13. markbmullins

    GUE Literature

    I was looking st the list of GUE Literature and was wondering, is there a certain book for rec 1,2,3 fundamentals, and tech 1,2,3, etc? Or do books cover multiple classes? I ask because I would like to purchase the books for rec 1,2,3 and fundamentals just to read on my own so that I can get a...
  14. Sigmund Seamonster

    GUE training September 2017 Oahu, HI

    contact for more information
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