
  1. divinh

    GoPole Dome Switch

    I got an email today about GoPole's new dome housing with red filter and macro lens. Seems like a good concept. $100... GoPole Dome Switch - GoPro® Multi-Filter Dome for HERO 8/7/6/5
  2. Rodrigo CL

    Roadtrip + Diving = All with GoPro & Drone Footage!

    Hello guys, I made this video from a roadtrip I made through 4 US states, with some stops for diving the South Florida Wrecks and with the Manatees at Crystal River. Hope you guys enjoy, please consider subscribbing to my channel, there is a lot of travel / scuba content there! Lot's of UW and...
  3. Rodrigo CL

    Some Manatee & Wreck action!!

    Hello guys, I made this video from a roadtrip I made through 4 US states, with some stops for diving the South Florida Wrecks and with the Manatees at Crystal River. Hope you guys enjoy, please consider subscribbing to my channel, there is a lot of travel / scuba content there! Cheers!!
  4. Jafo19D

    Upgrading From GoPro Hero 4 Silver

    I have the zero 4 silver and haven’t pulled the trigger yet on an upgrade. Interested in hearing from people that have upgraded from this particular camera and what you thought about the difference. One of the reasons I haven’t upgraded is that the housing and batteries will have to be replaced...
  5. mike41799

    Videos From Palm Beach

    Just sharing my Homemade videos from around Palm Beach. Share yours as well!
  6. G

    For Sale LIKE NEW, GoPro Hero 5 Black, with dive housing and a "selfie" stick. $200 + shipping.

    Used for about 4-5 dives and a camping trip... I realized that I'm more interested in pictures than video..
  7. ScubaHankNYC

    Spotted Eagle Rays

    I shot these clips of Spotted Eagle Rays over several days in the Galapagos. I used a Gopro Hero 6 Black to capture the images.
  8. Spotted Eagle Rays in the Galapagos

    Spotted Eagle Rays in the Galapagos

    We were diving off the Galapagos Master Liveaboard and observed spotted eagle rays on several dives during the 10 day expedition. I shot this on a gopro hero 6 black.
  9. Pretty Fishies

    Pretty Fishies

    Pretty fishies not in Quarantine.
  10. Rodrigo CL

    Amazon River Pink Dolphins

    Showreel of y favorite footage from a city in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest. Aerial and underwater footage of the pink river dolphins and much more. If you like the video, consider subscribbing to the channel, there is more scuba related content in the channel.
  11. T

    GoPro Tray, lights and strobes for future camera upgrade

    Dear Scubaboard-Team, I currently own a GoPro Hero 5 black with GoPro supersuit and red filter, but without any other underwater phography equipment (no tray, strobes, lights, dome, arms...). Currently I am considering to upgrade the camera in 1 or 2 years to a Nikon Z7, Sony alpha 7 R IV, Sony...
  12. ScubaHankNYC

    Galapagos Diving [Gopro Hero 6 Black]

    I shot this video with a Gopro Hero 6 Black. We were diving off the Galapagos Master Liveaboard
  13. GUEdiver

    Closed Ikelite Vega twin LED heads, arms, & GoPro tray

    For sale: my two Ikelite Vega LED heads with flexible arms and lightweight aluminum GoPro tray/handle. These LEDs are powerful 2000 lumen units (each). They have three power levels, indicated by lights on the back, as well as three-stage battery indicator lights. I had great success using this...
  14. Compact Moments

    Compact Moments

    This video was presented at the February meeting of the New York Underwater Photographic Society (NYUPS). Short video on diving in Egypt, Philippines and Indonesia.
  15. McGriffin

    Grand Cayman February 2020

    I recently returned from a trip to Grand Cayman. I went diving for 5 days doing 2 dives per day with Living the Dream Divers and had a great time. Here is the video that I shot with a GoPro Hero 8. I just got open water certified in the fall, and this was my first time shooting video. I can...
  16. ScubaHankNYC

    Manata Rays in Komodo National Park

    Komodo National Park host many different animals. Manta Rays are one of the largest residents in the Marine Park. Mantas can be observed year round in Komodo, often around cleaning stations. There are 2 manta ray species that inhabit Komodo: Manta Ray (Manta Alfredi) and Giant Manta Ray (Manta...
  17. ScubaHankNYC

    Night Diving in Komodo [Hero 8 Black]

    After a week of fantastic night dives in Komodo. I assembled a few unique moments into this short clip. I shot this with a Gopro Hero 8 Black and Sealife 2500 lumen lights.
  18. ScubaHankNYC

    Dumaguete - Hero 8 Black

    I shot this video with a Hero 8 Black off the coast of Dumaguete in the Philippines. Some shots use a PolarPro red filter.
  19. Clevelandguy

    Closed Paralenz Dive Camera +

    Awesome little camera. Bought this to replace my gopro and it did the job and then some. Used on one trip. Total of 8 dives. The mask strap and selfie floater have not been used. I'm selling because I'm moving to a cam with lights and strobes to focus on underwater photography $600.00
  20. ScubaHankNYC

    Sharks - Hero 6 Black

    I shot this video in the Bahamas on a Gopro Hero 6 Black.
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