
  1. J

    Anyone have any further info?

  2. DiveHeart

    Let's keep this Adaptive Divers family in our prayers....

    We will miss Allen Scarpetti, Diveheart Adaptive Diver and good friend. Diveheart just received this our Southern California lead Jody Seal. Please keep his family in your prayers. Facebook has a post from his daughter-in-law -- Allen Scarpetti passed Valentine's Day Jody sent Today at 1:56 PM...
  3. clownfishsydney

    10 Years on From Fatal Dive - Lessons to be Learnt

    Last night was 10 years since our dive buddy and friend of many years, Carol Martin, died while on a club dive I organised. A summary is that she suffered a second episode of IPE (Immersion Pulmonary Edema) and died despite all our efforts to revive her. On Saturday our dive club will have a...
  4. DiveHeart

    The image says it all.....

  5. DiveHeart

    In Memory of....

  6. DiveHeart

    She cheated death....and then became an adaptive diver!

    She cheated death .... and then became an adaptive diver =AZWXv7etnSjZ9vEpoQg1BOv755wh_5VPKF1LCcS-ZLFk_9eQBK7p38vzLLXQzQf8B89H8WhLHaFNm_D0-bPh2BdNvFKlkLBol4S9Gw_rs7fN3D7FCqG6T4sWlcmBMp_hW2w&__tn__=*NK-R']#purpose...
  7. DiveHeart

    Farewell to a Young Diveheart Volunteer.....

    Farewell to a young Diveheart volunteer. Michael wasn't with Diveheart very long, but he made a profound impact on everyone he came in contact with. Whether he was helping in the Dive locker or in the office, Michael always had a warm smile and kind word for whoever he me. Please pray for the...
  8. DiveHeart

    Love Them While You Can...

    Remembering Phillip....We called him the "Gentle Giant" his life was cut short too soon. We will miss him. This Diveheart Adaptive Diver will always be in our hearts! Love those around you while you can.... Donate | Diveheart #love #hope #healing #value #freedom #purpose...
  9. DiveHeart

    Near Death Experience Changed this Adaptive Buddies Life

    Near death experience changed this Diveheart volunteer's life forever! Downers Grove News #volunteer #charity #nonprofit #lifechanging #hope #volunteering #healing #therapy #givingback
  10. fsardone

    Diver passes away in Garda Lake

    Sub muore nel lago di Garda: era un aviere romano di 39 anni Aviere del 6° Stormo di Ghedi il sub morto a Toscolano - Giornale di Brescia No real news about profile depth and dynamic of the incident. Only that he dove in...
  11. Schwob

    Death rate for experienced scuba divers

    Is there a summary of the average death rate for "experienced" scuba divers that summarizes things as simply as the below for skydivers? Experienced skydivers Once a skydiver is fully trained, the average injury rate is 0.3 injuries/1000 jumps and the fatality rate is just under 1/100,000...
  12. jagfish

    Hasama sadly taking some internet heat over MegaMouth incident...

    "Feedback" videos are already going viral (from shark/marine conservancy organizations) in the aftermath of the Megamouth brief capture and subsequent death. Luckily, the one caught in Mie a day or two later, was (relatively) quickly released.
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