Argonaut Kraken exhaust loop flooding issue...?

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Hmm.. uneven engraving marks looks similar to mine posted on a different thread (but yours is not as far off centre)
Argonaut Kraken HP seat failure...?
Mine does look similar, I may still have the first one that Bryan switched out and will look for it. It may be just a bad material thing, I just don’t know but everything fits perfectly where they are intended to fit, that is to say with proper clearance because if I said tight some may draw an improper conclusion. These are a long established reliable design so it is most likely a supplier issue, I just don’t know but I will keep a close check on the IP.
Yes it is pointing more to a supplier issue, and since yours is also a 2017 model it would very likely have had the same batch of cans and HP seats... hence similar failure modes.
@John C. Ratliff raised a good point (see p 6) that another Kraken owner has actually experienced over on the VDH Forum...
Posted by Tripplec
Now that summer is peeking through the clouds, if any of you guys have not solved your hose flooding issue on your Kraken, might be your DBE valve sticking to your main diaphram. Look through the exhaust ports with a flash light after you get it wet and give it a breath. Mine would suction cup itself repeatedly. I did a trial fix of a small amount of silicone sealant (verry small line) on the main diaphram to prevent the mushroom valve from creating a suction. I have not had any issues since. Might be a better way, but as long as I'm dry, I'm happy.

Standoff bosses and ribs on the diaphragm teamed with a boss and radial 'anti-sticktion' pips on the exhaust valve are features of the Nemrod Snark III.
Maybe trial punching out a small silicone rubber disc and sticking it to centre of the Kraken diaphragm as another option?
Bonding silicon rubber to silicone rubber ain't easy but it can be done
Bond, don't glue silicone rubber - Tech-Bond Molecular Bonding System
Small radial ribs and a standoff boss would be a simple metal-off tool mod for the Kraken silicone diaphragm if it works...
Did an 80 minute dive with the Kraken today, no issues on the exhaust loop, for the record I did 3 things, lapped the DBE surface, put a G250 mushroom valve in place of the original and siliconed a deflector near the DBE, I think that last one was on page 7.
Thanks @lexvil
For my positive results the exhaust seat had been resurfaced, original mushroom valve, no DBE deflector.

We will need to do a few more dives to try and confirm if it is solely the distorted exhaust seat causing the flooding issue or in combination with the diaphragm suctioning the exhaust valve up intermittently.
Thanks @lexvil
For my positive results the exhaust seat had been resurfaced, original mushroom valve, no DBE deflector.

We will need to do a few more dives to try and confirm if it is solely the exhaust seat causing the flooding issue or in combination with the diaphragm suctioning the exhaust valve up intermittently.
I’ve covered both but with 3 approaches, I’ll pull the fence out before I dive it again, I think the seat it the main issue.
Sorry for digging this topic up. I got my Kraken used from a Scubaboard member. Mine also had the loop flooding issue during every dive. Replacement of the valve fixed the issue. Had no trouble since and enjoy this reg quite a lot.
Sorry for digging this topic up. I got my Kraken used from a Scubaboard member. Mine also had the loop flooding issue during every dive. Replacement of the valve fixed the issue. Had no trouble since and enjoy this reg quite a lot.
I am glad to hear that.

How do you like the Argonaut with your Spectrum Full face mask?

I have one and I do like the mask, but found an issue when when I am vertical or looking up. The positive pressure creates a free flow around the mask seal, because the mask is very soft.

I have had better results with the Scubapro Full face mask and with the Kirby-Morgan M48 Supermask.
Sorry for digging this topic up. I got my Kraken used from a Scubaboard member. Mine also had the loop flooding issue during every dive. Replacement of the valve fixed the issue. Had no trouble since and enjoy this reg quite a lot.
For the most robust fix which addresses both the loop flooding and intermittent WOB variability replace the exhaust valve with an Apeks exhaust valve AP1429 with integral stand-off rib.
I am glad to hear that.

How do you like the Argonaut with your Spectrum Full face mask?

I have one and I do like the mask, but found an issue when when I am vertical or looking up. The positive pressure creates a free flow around the mask seal, because the mask is very soft.

I have had better results with the Scubapro Full face mask and with the Kirby-Morgan M48 Supermask.
Luckily for me no free flow. I can feel the mask "inflates" a little but otherthan making it actually slightly more comfortable on the face, no issue. However I've only done a few dives in this configuration. I think it looks Badass AF, true Tie fighter pilot HAHA! I've done some work underwater with Buddhasummer, we installed a couple of safety lines and marker buoys on the sea bed. I was hammering the poles, sitting on my knees and with my face vertically positioned. No free flowing issue to report, all good fortunately for me.

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