Depends on the charter. In ft Lauderdale area, boat trips are $75 to $90 plus tax for a 2 tank dive. On average, tanks are $12 each for air and $17 for Nitros. Some boats charge $6 for weights others include it. Generally you should tip the crew $10-$20 (they work mostly for tips)As a foreignerwhat would that mean?
What's the length of the dives? Typical depths? Overal time for two dives?
Assume one rocked up with the kit but needed cylinders/tanks, what would the price be ($110) ?
What "additional" charges would one expect to pay for -- Americans are famous for liking "tips" and "taxes", so what's the total?
Would one need to rent lead?
If you go to the Keys, you can go on a boat charter to the reefs for about $100 For a 2 tank dive. With both Rainbow reef and Key Dives, that price includes tanks, air, weights and a free dive guide.
If you want a dive guide for your trip, I charge $100 in Ft. Lauderdale for a 2 tank dive to take one diver and $25 for each additional diver up to 4 people