Dedicated deco bottle reg, trying to decide between 2

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I'm trying to decide between a hog O2 deco reg and deep6.

These are currently the only 2 in consideration please don't say we'll X or Y brand is better.

Hog is less expensive as it seems I can't get the required green face plate for deep 6 excursion just the signature. Plus the excursion doesn't come rated for the higher O2 and I'm not sure what I would have to do to fix that.

Both are cold water rated.

What are the plusses and minuses to each of these two?
They are essentially the same reg as far as the 1st stage goes. If you want the excursion 1st to be O2 clean for deco all you'd need to do is put a kit in it using O2 clean procedures. I don't know if the kit Deep Six is using for the excursion uses viton o-rings. I'd be surprised if not because the HOG D2 kit does and it's the same 1st stage.
There used to be a separate kit for the Epic that had regular o-rings for it but they did away with that as the cost difference is so minute to use viton.
As for the seconds, again, I don't know if D6 uses viton o-rings in theirs but that doesn't really matter because the 2nd doesn't need to be O2 clean. It doesn't see pressure enough to worry about it and the first time you put in water, it's no longer O2 clean anyway.
HOG D2 (same reg) may be less expensive because they buy them in higher quantities from the same mfg.
The excursion second looks like the same case as the Edge Epic. Less robust than the Classic with a wider exhaust tee.
Neither the signature nor excursion seconds have the micro-adjust that the HOG Classic does.
I like it because you can extend seat life and tune the reg without messing with the orifice (turning the orifice risks cutting a new groove in the seat. Not common but I have seen it.)
You can definitely get the green faceplate for the HOG classic. It does need to be tuned to the new faceplate but that takes less than a minute with an in-line tool. I have half a dozen of the green faceplates on hand.
That’s scary because most good tech instructors never recommend using hose or reg color as a way to determine if you’re picking the wrong bottle. It is not a substitute for a proper gas switch protocol
Not a substitute but another check, I have zero problem with added safety measures.

But either way that's beyond this conversation.
I’m doing similar shopping. My thinking is Deep6 Signature so it will match my other regs for simplicity of servicing.
An added check to make sure you breath the “green reg” does nothing to actually ensure you’re switching to the intended gas. Regs can easily end up on the wrong tank, and the whole idea is toast the second you need to borrow a regulator.

Color coding is poor practice. It has nothing to do with what’s important (the contents of the tank).
Not a substitute but another check, I have zero problem with added safety measures.

But either way that's beyond this conversation.
That may be better practice than color coding.


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