Using the 30mm macro

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Can anyone tell me if the 30mm macro would work in the Nauticam 36136 ‘Macro port 56’ intended for the Olympus 14-42?

Camera is an EM5 mk1 if that is relevant...
Gfish--I don't know Nauticam ports but yes, the 30mm would "fit". However, part of the discussion has been that since the 30mm is a shorter focal length you need to get physically closer to the subject to achieve the same image size vs longer focal length macro lenses .

As you start to approach lifesize (1:1) the distance of the lens to the port becomes the issue. A longer port gives you less closeup capacity as it doesn't let the lens get as close to the subject as you might want. In other words you won't be able to get the full (1.25:1) reproduction ratio as the port length increases.

I shoot the same camera in an Oly housing and with the standard port I just use SubSee closeup lenses to get the subject size I need. A shorter port would be useful for the 30mm but not a deal breaker. (The Oly standard flat port [EP-01] is 89mm length if that helps.) // ww
It will work, but the port is longer than the 45 port so you'll probably only get 1:2 at best. I use the Panasonic 30mm macro lens and 1:1 is only about 4cm in front of the lens, even with the correct port you lose about half that working distance, so that in practice it is hard to light anything more than about half life size. I would guess that using te 56 port would get you about 1:3 and it is getting to the stage you might as well use the 14-42 as you are not gaining much magnification from the 30mm macro lens.
Just an update on this thread.
Went to Bali Tulamben again and did one dive with the 30mm macro. I was looking for better photo's of ghost pipefish which I have never nailed in many trips and many photo's.

Reviewing them today I am very impressed with the 30mm results. In fact I think I should have used it more on this trip. Anything over 20-25mm and it is so much easier to use and the results almost as good as the 60mm. Still I got some shots with my 60 that I could not have got with the 30mm. Makes making a call on the lens difficult....


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Ardy--One dive eh? Yeah I'll bet you're thinking you should have used the 30mm more! I almost use it too much but still love the 60mm so it remains a tough choice. I'll be looking for those ghost pipes when I get back to Tulamben in a few weeks, looks like you enjoyed finding them. // ww
Waiting for my airplane to get home from St. Lucia. Used the 30mm for two days, the 60mm for two days, and the 14-42 with WWL-1 for a day. The 60 was, of course, better for real macro stuff, the 30 mm for modest macro plus fish pix, and the zoom plus WWL-1 for people and some reef scenes. So no suprises except the 30mm was REALLY easy to use. I liked it a lot.
Ardy--One dive eh? Yeah I'll bet you're thinking you should have used the 30mm more! I almost use it too much but still love the 60mm so it remains a tough choice. I'll be looking for those ghost pipes when I get back to Tulamben in a few weeks, looks like you enjoyed finding them. // ww

WWW who are you diving with at Tulamben? I had a great 6 days and got some shots of stuff I have never seen before.

I dived with LDR (Liberty) and stayed elsewhere. Should have stayed with LDR or TDR (Tulamben).

Your right reviewing the shots a couple of days ago I should have used the 30mm more. No focus hunting and sharp enough for my old eyes.
Waiting for my airplane to get home from St. Lucia. Used the 30mm for two days, the 60mm for two days, and the 14-42 with WWL-1 for a day. The 60 was, of course, better for real macro stuff, the 30 mm for modest macro plus fish pix, and the zoom plus WWL-1 for people and some reef scenes. So no suprises except the 30mm was REALLY easy to use. I liked it a lot.

T: I have not used mine for fish shots much this is one of the few, did you find it really useful? I chased some sand divers around trying to get a shot of one with its dorsal fin up with my 60mm macro. Too bloody hard but gorgeous fish.


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RD--We'll be back at LDR, always a comfortable and rewarding stay. As for lenses, nice that Oly offers us such challenges for choices. Tursitops nailed it, the 30mm is easy to use and no worries about optics. // ww

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