Very frequently divers has situation, when they require to ajust hose lenght, but impossible to find proper.
Also with non standard eqiupment sometimes you require to have hose, but not UNF 3/8-24 to UNF 9/16-18 but another, eg 3/8 to M16x1 (AGA Divator MK-II FFM from Interspiro).
There is a way.
Your need:
1. old, useless or broken hoses (or just metal tips from them)
2. big crimping tool (crimping piller) like Saipwell HX-120A copper tube cable terminal crimping tool piler BS Standard type 10-120mm2 big size crimping tools - - Amazon.com
or www.aliexpress.com/item/HX-50B-50SC-50D-COPPER-TUBE-TERMINAL-CRIMPING-TOOL-CRIMPING-PILER-crimping-tools/1256413496.html
It should have sizes 60-70, 90 and 120 mm2 hexagones
3. cooper pipe. I found the best fit - from return line of splitted airconditioners, diameter 16 mm.
like that Totaline Soft Copper Pipe (5/8 Inch): Amazon.in: Industrial & Scientific
you can use any suitable copper, or other non corrodible pipe, soft enough for crimper.
4. any tool (like handsaw) to remove ferrule from old hose
5. not neccessary, but could be used - copper pipe cut
1. cut-off old ferrule (socket) from old hose:
here is HP hose, it was just experiment! DO NOT REPEAT IT with HP hose.
You should release metal tip with thread.
2. cut-off copper pipe with length equal to the length of "conifer tree" of the tip.
3. cut-off to the proper length you rubber or plastic pipe.
4. put copper on pipe, tip inside the pipe. Above - intermediate stage, below - final position.
5. setup grips of crimper to 120 or 90 mm2
6. put assembled tip to the crimper and start to squize.
I did it on the floor, one crimper hand on floor (holded by leg) also crimper head on floor, another in my hand.
DO NOT squize till the end, just a little. Your copper pipe should not be jammed.
Than turn for 1/12 of the turn. You should start to squize appeared edges on the pipe.
Than turn again.... and continue.
When you copper pipe will have a groove, change crimper size to 60-70mm2
Next SLOWLY squize just a little, and turn a little, and many many times repeat.
For me all this movements take less than 1 minute.
7. in the end you have very proof and nice new hose:
in compare with branded
P.S. Is this forum international, and here by default recognized, that all people has own brain, and not stupid by default, to follow safety rules? And will check your ability before, test this hose with bigger pressure later, etc?
Otherwise: ALL WRITTEN HERE IS NOT OFFER FOR ACTION, but just share of my stupid ideas, and nobody should NOT repeat this!

Also with non standard eqiupment sometimes you require to have hose, but not UNF 3/8-24 to UNF 9/16-18 but another, eg 3/8 to M16x1 (AGA Divator MK-II FFM from Interspiro).
There is a way.
Your need:
1. old, useless or broken hoses (or just metal tips from them)
2. big crimping tool (crimping piller) like Saipwell HX-120A copper tube cable terminal crimping tool piler BS Standard type 10-120mm2 big size crimping tools - - Amazon.com
or www.aliexpress.com/item/HX-50B-50SC-50D-COPPER-TUBE-TERMINAL-CRIMPING-TOOL-CRIMPING-PILER-crimping-tools/1256413496.html
It should have sizes 60-70, 90 and 120 mm2 hexagones
3. cooper pipe. I found the best fit - from return line of splitted airconditioners, diameter 16 mm.
like that Totaline Soft Copper Pipe (5/8 Inch): Amazon.in: Industrial & Scientific
you can use any suitable copper, or other non corrodible pipe, soft enough for crimper.
4. any tool (like handsaw) to remove ferrule from old hose
5. not neccessary, but could be used - copper pipe cut
1. cut-off old ferrule (socket) from old hose:
here is HP hose, it was just experiment! DO NOT REPEAT IT with HP hose.
You should release metal tip with thread.
2. cut-off copper pipe with length equal to the length of "conifer tree" of the tip.
3. cut-off to the proper length you rubber or plastic pipe.
4. put copper on pipe, tip inside the pipe. Above - intermediate stage, below - final position.
5. setup grips of crimper to 120 or 90 mm2
6. put assembled tip to the crimper and start to squize.
I did it on the floor, one crimper hand on floor (holded by leg) also crimper head on floor, another in my hand.
DO NOT squize till the end, just a little. Your copper pipe should not be jammed.
Than turn for 1/12 of the turn. You should start to squize appeared edges on the pipe.
Than turn again.... and continue.
When you copper pipe will have a groove, change crimper size to 60-70mm2
Next SLOWLY squize just a little, and turn a little, and many many times repeat.
For me all this movements take less than 1 minute.
7. in the end you have very proof and nice new hose:
in compare with branded
P.S. Is this forum international, and here by default recognized, that all people has own brain, and not stupid by default, to follow safety rules? And will check your ability before, test this hose with bigger pressure later, etc?
Otherwise: ALL WRITTEN HERE IS NOT OFFER FOR ACTION, but just share of my stupid ideas, and nobody should NOT repeat this!