People who wrote this article have no idea what entrepreneur means. If I worked in a restaurant and my boss told me this, first thing I would do next morning is to fire him and take over that restaurant.It’s because the US is, at its core, an entrepreneurial, free-market culture. And tipping is an entrepreneurial model. Customers are conditioned to tip and employees are conditioned to earn their tips – like any entrepreneur.
Same as the first one, utter nonsense. Bottom line of the second article is as I read, some service workers may prefer tip system its because they might actually earn more in tips than salaried work. Why? Because the price is variable and noone knows what that is exactly. So, it is up to emotional state of the customer and it seems our emotions favor the tipping higher more often than it doesn't.“We treat our sections like our own small businesses,” write six workers with more than 50 years of experience in the restaurant industry. “To us, the restaurant floor is an interwoven system of independent entrepreneurs that runs like a well-oiled machine. We have no issue with an increased minimum wage for non-tipped workers, but for our industry the tipping model works for the guests, the employees and the company.”
This is all about creating ambiguity about the price basically.