You are making it confusing.
DAN has done more studies than anyone else on the benefits of diving Nitrox, and they find...
(1) Gives you more bottom time.
Yes. Your NDL increases as you take on less nitrogen.
(2) Does not increase safety - seems like it would, but doesn't work that way I guess.
So, that can be true or it is incorrect depending.
I am going to make up numbers for illustration.
If you dive air for say 30 minutes at 80 feet and come up when you reach your NDL limits that would be
equal to say diving for 60 minutes at 80 feet and coming up when you reach you NDL limits.
You have absorbed the SAME amount of Nitrogen in either of those examples.
This is diving limited by your NDL in both examples.
However, that is NOT what happens to say me in Cozumel. I am limited by my [-]AIR [/-]GAS SUPPLY.
Let's say I dive for 50 minutes on air at 80 feet. My computer says I have reached my NDL and I have to come up. I have air left and I have maxed out my nitrogen load.
On Air I am still limited by NDL. However then I dive Nitrox, I do that same dive for 60 minutes at 80 feet. I NEVER reach my NDL. My computer says I STILL have bottom time, however I come up because I am out of GAS.
With Nitrox I am limited by GAS SUPPLY.
In this example I have a max load on air, but NOT a max load of nitrogen on nitrox. So I dive longer, but still surface 'safer.'
(3) The feel-good effect is a placebo, and costs more than beer.
I believe they said there was NO EVIDENCE they could find to prove it. Which may not disprove it.