Scoobajay, if you asked me what should you have done differently, I would say - you should have done at least a Cavern Diver course before making a dive like you described. In fact, you as an open water diver did a cave dive well within limits of Intro to Cave qualification. One should not enter even a cavern zone (a part of a cave where the daylight is still present) without laying a line. One should never enter a cavern or a cave without at least two lights. Your dive would require to carry a primary light and two backups. One should never enter a cave system with a single tank. Two cylinders and two regulators is a must, one on a long hose. What if you had a regulator failure in the cave? Would you be able to leave the cave through the tight entrance/exit while sharing air with a buddy? Could you do the air sharing in the darkness? Without lights you were not able to notify the DM that you are turning around. How would you show the "out of air" signal to anybody? If your buddy had lost all of his gas, did you carry enough for both of you to complete the dive including the safety stops? Did the dive plan observe the rule of sixths as for a cave dive? I don't want to sound too judgemental or didactic here, but your dive was not just a freak out. You were in a real danger. I haven't been in the Devil's Throat, but during a dive in Cueva del Agua in Spain I contrived to silt myself out with just few clumsy kicks. Within a minute the visibility was zero and I was dangling on my guidline for my precious life. I learnd a lesson and therefore your report was very troubling to read. In darkness without lights, at 130ft, without a line, in a cave without any redundancy - I'm glad you came out of this alive. The reckless DM should be fired and disqualified before he lures someone into death. Thank you for sharing!

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