You will be a long time awaiting response in this public forum as well as a private forum.
I despise 99.9% of the dive operators in Key Weird.
They are generally lazy, treat folks like cattle, insult your intelligence, and really could give3 a damn whether you have a good time or not.
I had a fuss with a DS (not DM...I meant Dip $h!t) when I had the AUDACITY to bring a pair of giant white epoxy Faber 149's aboard DKW boat a while BANDS on them.
Apparently there is a real problem with people just grabbing other people's tanks indiscriminately and diving them by mistake.
Giant white Fabers are so familiar to the cruise ship divers from Jerkwater City in the Midwest I guess.
Goes with Captains Corner in Key Weird, or I ain't diving at mile post 0.
I'll expect no response. I'm merely a small pebble among their inept dive clientele. Our mistake was a very small window of travel and them being the only op doing two dives on the Vandy that day. Never again with Southpoint. Bait and Switch. Their website states one thing and they enforce much more restrictive profiles.