Nitrox - warning for beginner divers

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ZZ, it's good to hear a little more of the story on this. It sounds like what happened wasn't a perfect experience for a new diver to encounter, but in a way it's a little bit of a relief to me to hear this account. On the one hand, the basic points of Texasguy's story check out-- that's a plus. On the other hand, no-- it wasn't a case of a shop owner trying to cheat someone who doesn't know much yet, and I was pretty sure that wouldn't be the case. It's unfortunate that it happened at all, but it happens that employees make mistakes-- she most probably was doing what she could to do what she thought she was supposed to. Hopefully people will allow the shop some slack.

That being said, maybe consider simmering down a little before pressing "Submit". Coming to somebody's defense will probably work a little smoother if you aren't simultaneously telling half the world to go to hell

For my part, looking back at my earlier post I wish I had worded it differently. Not knowing the poster, I should have stayed neutral a little better than I did-- the words I used have a certain spin, and I should have left more room for benefit in the doubt.

Employees can make mistakes. If it happens, you have to train them so it doesn't happen again. You can't always pre-train everyone for every possible situation before putting them out there.

Jonnythan, I don't think ZZ is the shop, take another look at the post.


Considering the experience you had, you probably did a much better job of keeping your cool than I would have, I probably would have been completely enraged when posting about it. And there's not a thing wrong or unexpected with a new forum member starting with a flurry of activity, of course you're excited about your new activity... there is a lot to learn here, and it's good to see you doing just that. I hope you'll accept my apology.
Employees can make mistakes. If it happens, you have to train them so it doesn't happen again. You can't always pre-train everyone for every possible situation before putting them out there.

While that is a fair statement, my employees know that the quickest way to arouse my ire is to make up an answer when they don't know what they are talking about. That is the first thing I train them on. Not being trained on something is not an excuse for making things up on the fly., everyone turn off your computers and go dive. :D

Been diving, so now I'm on an SI.
Sharky's is magical.

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