Is "the first rule of Scubaboard is that you don't talk about Scubaboard?"

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It is just a matter of available time or divers are spending time U/W. It has little to do with a phobia to SB.

Let's face it, we would all rather be actually diving than just being on any forum!
I violate that rule regularly ... and as a result have managed to meet a lot of amazingly nice people ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Was told by a LDS manager "If you're writing about diving, you arent diving." (Smirk on his face). I chose not to respond. Technically, he is correct. However, the same would apply if I were sitting in one of his boring classes. I've moved on.
This is so funny! I guess no one ever asks me if I'm Scubaboard, but if they are and have seen my post in a thread there'd be no way mistaking my obvious name. Likewise, anyone who goes by their business name, I can't mistake.

I love embracing the internet and I think sites like Scubaboard are wonderful ways for divers from different places to congregate and disseminate information. The downside is that incorrect information can be spread. Just today, someone quoted a wikipedia article, that was incorrect. I'll go to wikipedia from time to time, but it just isn't the place to go for hard facts. My friend, who's a college English professor, has to show students with bad wikipedia articles why they can't cite them in their research papers. Likewise, I've seen bad info on Scubaboard and sometimes an attempt to give the correct info ends up in endless circling of unintelligible banter. Luckily, I love banter!

Does Wookie make wookie sounds?
I have had all kinds of reactions, from very negative (especially at several old school lds's, who are quite often threatened by the entire internet world lurking just outside their front door, ready to devour them), to "OH, what is your user name?".

Some divers have never heard of SB, but these days that is getting more rare. To them I suggest the board as a research and contact source.

Some diver, even in my own local club, seem to want to stay aloof, and to them I act as a conduit, bringing stories and ideas into meetings, and listing SB as the source.

At the lds, they shudder when I mention SB, but that has never caused me to stop, as I see any ability to network as advantageous to myself, and it's their loss if they choose to ignore the opportunities that networking could offer them too.

I have heard complaints that SB is unfriendly, egotistic, antagonistic, and full of half baked know it all's. My replay to that is, yes, sometimes it has those folks, but it has several hundred thousand others too, and it is up to you to chose who you want to discuss things with, or be impacted by.
I need more SB stickers for trips. :cool:
Back when I had a life I hardly ever logged on here. So there was just no reason to ever bring it up. Even now, I'm mostly here to build an online reputation to make it easier to unload my used scuba gear :wink:
Back when I had a life I hardly ever logged on here. So there was just no reason to ever bring it up. Even now, I'm mostly here to build an online reputation to make it easier to unload my used scuba gear :wink:

In that case, you would not be the first one, I am afraid! :no: :shakehead:
My home dive shop likes that I talk nicely about them here, but maybe not that I talk about SB there - as they want to be the primary influence on their customers, of course. Lubbock only has one dive shop now, a very nice one, altho a bit pricey for me - but they meet internet prices on what they carry on request.
I've learned not to discuss SB with some instructors. Originally I went to them for advice and information and as part of the discussion mentioned things I've learned on SB. The response was pretty typical - "you can't trust information on the forums". I can't disagree with that, but there is nothing that says the information gotten in person is any different. The more I learn, the more this is evident. It is important to judge the quality of the information by the content and consistency. I love TSandM's tag of "
Okay, you've heard all our opinions. Want to know what the science is?
Rubicon Research"

There is a wealth of information on the forums. Is it all to be believed? No, but the mix is probably the same with discussion in any group. There are things to ask my instructor, and there are things best learned through other sources, SB among them. It is a great place to meet some very interesting people. I've picked up a couple of dive buddies, and a fantastic local dive guru and parts person (thanks Bob3) through SB. If your needs are a bit off the mainstream, then don't depend on answers from mainstream folks.

Do I admit to frequenting SB. YES, and I will continue to do so in the right places.

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