The Truth about Dive Paradise and the ScubaBoard Invasion

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Politics are always relevant. Anybody who can't see the connections is blind:

Obama poison word for word. Wealth redistribution to the undeserving simply believing they are deserving because they exist. The Obama promoted "entitlement" mentality of if you make more then me, you should give me some of yours so I can benefit from all your hard work and risk taking. Mossman believes Pete should give everyone some of his, because Pete's got too much.

I think what is irrelevant is when somebody tries to tell a business owner that they can't financially benefit from all their hard work and risk taking and they should pass along those rewards to people who have no rights or claim to them. That unfortunately is where we are in 2011, to the point that somebody can make a statement like Mossman did to Pete and almost nobody is shocked by it.

My father would have read what Mossman said and his comments would have been simple, he would have shaken his head and muttered "My my, the balls on this one."

Fin, I gotta say I think you are little off. First SB isn't really a business, per se. It's more like a thing that Netdoc would like not to lose money on. (And correct me if I am wrong.) So it is sort of in that gray area between for profit business and a non-profit.

And you Obama thing is WAY OFF. For that to work, you would have to go on the Invasion and find you paid more than other people and some people were there for free. The trip would also be partial financed by a loan which future invasions would have to pay back. And the dive shop would have to tell you the trip was going to run out of money before everyone got all their dives in. Further, someone would half to suggest cutting any afternoon dives you paid for, so everyone could dive all week, but you would also have to wait till your second day there to actually start diving. See that is totally different from what Moss said? (please enjoy the satire, ignore the politics...:no:)
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You want some help getting this thread shut down? Well, OK. I am so sick and tired of all this right wing extremist, obstructionist crap we are being inundated with I could just spit. I've got mine so screw you. Are we a nation that helps each other when we need it or are we beasts in the field? Throw the old and the infirm under the bus. We don't need them, let them die. Rick Perry? Pah! Michelle Bachman? Idiot. Sarah Palin? Are you freakin' kidding me? Earthquakes and hurricanes are God trying to get the Democrats to change their ways? The solution to our economic problems is to hold a PRAYER MEETING???? Give me a break!

I don't give a tinker's damn whether the SB gurus get their way paid to Cozumel, or their hotel and diving free or even if they made money on the deal. More power to them for organizing a great event. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the insanity going on in Washington these days, and the Democrats aren't really any better than the Republicans when you get down to it. They are all in in for themselves; they are just pandering to different audiences.

End rant for now, but if you want to rumble, I'm up for it. :D

At least you can sit in public and no one is smoking.... :eyebrow: For a guy without a gun in his fanny pack, you are LOADED for bear! I might not agree with you, but I DO love to hear you say it. You go, Gun!
I feel really sorry for those who can't let go of the politics--ever. :shakehead:
Politics are always relevant. Anybody who can't see the connections is blind:

Obama poison word for word. Wealth redistribution to the undeserving simply believing they are deserving because they exist. The Obama promoted "entitlement" mentality of if you make more then me, you should give me some of yours so I can benefit from all your hard work and risk taking. Mossman believes Pete should give everyone some of his, because Pete's got too much.

I think what is irrelevant is when somebody tries to tell a business owner that they can't financially benefit from all their hard work and risk taking and they should pass along those rewards to people who have no rights or claim to them. That unfortunately is where we are in 2011, to the point that somebody can make a statement like Mossman did to Pete and almost nobody is shocked by it.

My father would have read what Mossman said and his comments would have been simple, he would have shaken his head and muttered "My my, the balls on this one."
Regardless of what your dad would have thought of my balls, I never intended Netdoc should give any more than he has. If your dad was against questioning anyone, besides asking them about their balls, shame on him.
You want some help getting this thread shut down? Well, OK. I am so sick and tired of all this right wing extremist, obstructionist crap we are being inundated with I could just spit. I've got mine so screw you. Are we a nation that helps each other when we need it or are we beasts in the field? Throw the old and the infirm under the bus. We don't need them, let them die. Rick Perry? Pah! Michelle Bachman? Idiot. Sarah Palin? Are you freakin' kidding me? Earthquakes and hurricanes are God trying to get the Democrats to change their ways? The solution to our economic problems is to hold a PRAYER MEETING???? Give me a break!

I don't give a tinker's damn whether the SB gurus get their way paid to Cozumel, or their hotel and diving free or even if they made money on the deal. More power to them for organizing a great event. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the insanity going on
in Washington these days, and the Democrats aren't really any better than the Re
publicans when you get down to it. They are all in in for themselves; they are just pandering to different audiences.

End rant for now, but if you want to rumble, I'm up for it. :D

If you feel all that froggy about politics you should drop by the Pub section.....

Y'all go back to your regularly scheduled wrangling......

By the by, most large trips involve a certain number of free spots or some other compensation for the organizers. Educator junkets are set up that way.
I don't give a tinker's damn whether the SB gurus get their way paid to Cozumel, or their hotel and diving free or even if they made money on the deal. More power to them for organizing a great event. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the insanity going on in Washington these days, and the Democrats aren't really any better than the Republicans when you get down to it. They are all in in for themselves; they are just pandering to different audiences.

Nobody said anything about the SB invasions having anything to do with Washington.

Again for you - " Exactly. With all the advertising provided, they could have provided wonderful deals, if only they weren't constrained by having to grant freebies to all the principals. Too bad it's not a non-profit club sort of atmosphere where all the people could have realized the benefits of group savings and not just the organizers. "

Obama poison word for word. Wealth redistribution to the undeserving simply believing they are deserving because they exist. The Obama promoted "entitlement" mentality of if you make more then me, you should give me some of yours so I can benefit from all your hard work and risk taking. Mossman believes Pete should give everyone some of his, because Pete's got too much.

I think what is irrelevant is when somebody tries to tell a business owner that they can't financially benefit from all their hard work and risk taking and they should pass along those rewards to people who have no rights or claim to them. That unfortunately is where we are in 2011, to the point that somebody can make a statement like Mossman did to Pete and almost nobody is shocked by it.

My father would have read what Mossman said and his comments would have been simple, he would have shaken his head and muttered "My my, the balls on this one."

Read it all again S-L-O-W-L-Y and keep doing it until you can understand it spells out - S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M.

Here are the key words : "where all the people could have realized the benefits of group savings and not just the organizers. " - read those words again and again until you can understand they spell out W-E-A-L-T-H - R-E-D-I-S-T-R--I-B-U-T-I-O-N

Doesn't have anything to do with the infirm, throwing old people under a bus or Sarah Palin. It's about somebody (Mossman) trying to tell a business owner(Pete) they should forego the rewards for their risk taking (profits) and give them to people who don't even PAY ANYTHING to Pete for anything, so that Pete can S-U-B-S-I-D-I-Z-E their freak'n vacation. ARE YOU SERIOUS???????? :shakehead:

This is how out of wack this country has become that I even have to point any of this out. :idk:

Go into Starbucks tonight and tell the manager you'd like him to contribute part of his salary to lower the costs of the stores coffee expense so you can get a cheaper cup of coffee. See how that works for you.
I think what is irrelevant is when somebody tries to tell a business owner that they can't financially benefit from all their hard work and risk taking and they should pass along those rewards to people who have no rights or claim to them. That unfortunately is where we are in 2011, to the point that somebody can make a statement like Mossman did to Pete and almost nobody is shocked by it.
What shocks me is that I'm the only one shocked by a "club" that makes money from its "members". No one is saying they can't financially benefit from all their hard work, but I guess I'll have to put it in terms that a right-wing extremist can understand: would you be shocked to find out that your church pastor, deacon, what have you, is personally making a profit when he plans a church picnic? Surely you must have religious as a right-wing extremist. Does your capitalist-only scheme allow for non-profit religion, or are you happy when the priest makes a buck and think that they should charge $50 a head for confession?

It's too bad uneducated blue-collar folks like yourself lack education, or you'd have the education enough to know what socialism really means.
What shocks me is that I'm the only one shocked

Maybe that should tell you something?

You might just be the smartest person posting in this thread. :worship:

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