driftin' by
This forum is specifically set up for this kind of discussion/speculation and not intended for the victims, families or loved ones.This thread really disturbs me!!!!!
You're absoulutly right... that was kinda redundant.Of course they are, but recreational divers are the only ones doing them.
When the most highly advanced recreational diver exceeds recreational limits and creates that ceiling without using the training and equipment that technical divers use when they are beneath that ceiling, then they are rolling the dice. Everything will be just peachy, as long as nothing goes wrong. If something goes wrong and they don't have the safety mechanisms in place that trained technical divers use, then there is a problem.
Excellent point!
If the professionals in Cozumel are so concerned about the impact this will have on tourists who are afraid of getting caught in killer downcurrents, then perhaps they should stop dropping veiled hints and tell us what they know about this incident.
There is a diver clinging to life that is in need of financial contributions. I suspect that the details/truth is being withheld as not to cast a dark shadow over the accident knowing that it my deter people to contribute. That's human nature. Right, wrong or indifferent, what's done is done and a member of the dive community is in need of help.
Unless someone dies, it probably won't. Most deal with deaths and hopefully that is not in the near future for the three victims.I think I'll wait to read about this in an upcoming Lessons For Life article in Scuba Diving Magazine which I'm sure it will be featured in.
My descent continued, I kept adding air. I tried to be calm and added only short bursts of air, I didn't want to overcompensate.
I thought you are NOT supposed to add air, rather swim out of it? I wouldn't want someone with less knowledge or experience to read this and think to nonchalantly add air while just cruising along starring at your gauges is the way to deal with a down-current.

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A ScubaBoard Staff Message...
As always, please keep your comments within the ToS and be aware of any special rules for the forum you are posting in.
Any thread about the subject has required a lot of mod attention. Perhaps it's time to start flexing some Mod ToS muscle and boot people. When you're ready, I've got a few I can recommend.