Million dollar idea that could save a life easily

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i'm now using 2 smbs, one orange and one yellow, with a reel and i can send them from 30m.
it's better to train divers to not forget them and to use them than to rely on gadgets.
Wow. very unpopular idea! Let me clarify - Maybe beginners are the only ones that forget their safety device? Maybe experts are too good to need a built in sausage or too good at diving to forget ANYTHING ever, and have no appreciation for convenience and one less thing to worry about? - As far as something like this inflating or in some other way deploying unsafely, that can be taken care of through creative engineering and thinking outside the box. Who says it needs to inflate? Who says it needs to auto-deploy? Add on devices for what I am talking about already exist, and that is the SS itself. Why everyone immediately went all high tech and gadgety is beyond me. That is not what I was trying to imply at all and I agree that KISS is the best policy. Problem is that not everyone is consciously aware of the need for a SS, or assumes that they have theirs when they dont. Would you call a dive because you didn't bring your SS? After traveling 6 hours by plane, and spending 60 bucks, and already on the boat? It just should come with the BC by default, and in a specific pocket (possibly with a day-glow zipper?) and should be a standard color, with metallic reflectors and possibly a small radar reflector. I personally witnessed multiple newbie and old school divers without sausages on the same dive the other week without basic safety equipment. Since I am relatively new to diving (certed in 2000) and live next door to no less that a dozen South Florida charters - maybe my impression that many people on dive charters are not properly equipped to handle safety, and that rental gear does not come with a safety sausage, that boats don't require you to have one is a little naive.. All I know is that I saw one boat captain and several divers that would have really been grateful to have had this at their disposal. Im not surprised that a lot of people do not like this idea. I see so many people on the charters "doing it right" with BPW setups for 50' reef dives. highly streamlined and optimized - until 6' swells show up during your dive and oh dam! You got separated from your buddy with the dive flag, AND forgot/didn't think/were too cool of an "expert diver" that you would need your SS. This does not need to be a complicated device. Even a tiny pocket up near the neck area and for those that just cant stand to be told what to have on their BC, it could be made to be removed. It doesn't need an auto-inflater. Reality is that you need a BIG (not the little dinky) safety sausage if you are diving on the ocean and there is ANY chance of rough seas. And that can be pretty cumbersome to clip to a D-ring, and my newer "optimized" BC does not really have a pocket that's big enough to stow the thing. Maybe our sport is cluttered with million dollar ideas, but all it takes is for one life-saving idea to be floated to the surface, and implemented, to potentially save many lives. I know I could not see many of the divers that day, and I am a boat Captain as well and have quite a bit of experience spotting floating items in rough seas. Its pretty unnerving when you have paid 60 bucks to be on a charter, and are told by the captain "Cmon guys im not kidding, I need you to help me spot the divers!" and realizing when it was all over that many did not have safety sausages, well it sets my mind thinking there must be a better way. Its easy to make broad statements like "If your this much of an idiot you should not be diving" but reality is people make mistakes and this happens a lot more than any of us want to admit. So if a built in "comes with the BC mandatory" SS is a bad idea, what are some better ideas to ensure that a diver that gets thrown in the water is able to be spotted and retrieved, despite his or her own lack of planning or preparation, that are outside of solutions prone to human error? I see this as analogous to including a road flare, or a spare tire with a vehicle.
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I never got a car that included a road flare and most spares nowadays are worthless. But to address the sausage issue. I carry one in addition to a lift bag. They reside in my pocket or a pouch at the bottom of my plate. Requiring one to come with a BC is just more regulations that add additional cost. With a BC they'd likely put a $10 sausage on and add 75 to the overall price. Many ops do require you to have one. Those that do not - stay away from. Simple. If someone is too cheap to buy a good sausage then they should not be doing dives that require them. The question is really -why don't they have one? Your example of the people saying the flag guy had it so they did not is a clear illustration of people I don't want to dive with. They are not taking responsibility for themselves and if the stuff hits the fan they should pay the price. Stupid should be painful. I'll bet they all carry one now!

I don't want any mfg telling me what accessories I should have or be required to pay for. I especially don't want the industry or the damn govt telling me I have to do anything I don't want to do.

I drill into my students the need for basic safety gear and that if they are doing certain types of dives they should not consider that gear optional. If more of this was done and clearly communicated why you would not need to FORCE people to buy something. They'd just do it.

Your million dollar idea is an example of allowing people to again let someone else take responsibility for something they should be responsible for.
1) training, practice, training, practice, training, practice, training, practice....
2 ) repeat 1)

my SMBs and reel are always on my wing.
every diver MUST have at least one, it's part of training
1) training, practice, training, practice, training, practice, training, practice....
2 ) repeat 1)

my SMBs and reel are always on my wing.
every diver MUST have at least one, it's part of training

is there a regulation is france that forces every one to carry a SMB?
I guess I am trying to save people from their own stupidity? You are right, this is pointless. However I would also point out that having a DM or operator "require" these devices is shifting the responsibility as well. I think the operators here do require people to have one. Do they check? almost never. I guess what I am seeing down here is a continuous circus of under-prepared over-assuming vacation/tourist divers that are continually putting themselves at risk, and overburdened operators that simply cannot handle the birage of pre/post dive issues that inevitably crop up, let alone check everyone for SS. Its hard to sit back and watch that weekend after weekend without thinking about trying to do something to help. Unfortunately I cannot afford to buy everyone a SS, and playing dive boat police really is not my style. However the other weekend when we lost those divers for about ten minutes it was scary. The captain was about to call the Coast Guard. Everyone else that day had no problems being spotted because they were with their buddies and the flag, or had deployed their SS and it was obvious where they were. After this event I went and got myself an even bigger SS, and I also now carry a white trash bag in my BC pocket as backup. Being stranded on the water is no joke, especially with a 5kt surface current. Especially when it can be avoided by a small shard of day glow fabric in a BCD pocket.
Some charters require divers to have an SMB and if they don't, one will be provided.

I prefer to clip off my SMB/spool where I want it, not where the mfgr. wants it.

Good thought, just not practical.
is there a regulation is france that forces every one to carry a SMB?
not a legal regulation.
at the level 2 ( training to deco diving, autonomy at 20m and strong assistance to buddy ), the diver must be able to use a smb, so it's highly recommanded to have one and not forget it.
it's checked when we organize dives and we warn divers if they don't have.
are DM's or Charters legally responsible for their "customers" ?
if they are, they should (depending on local conditions) demand divers to bring/wear/and to be able to use it.
if they fail this, they can simply refuse them to dive, or if they are smart, sell SMB's they got at double the normal price :)
that should improve peoples memory and awareness a bit.
I have been to quite a lot of charters in Florida
and no one checked what kind of equipment I got,
nor informed me about a need or good idea to bring SMB
here is another little video, not from FL
you see the SMB, and finger reel, and alot of funny details
how many errors can you find in that 56 sec clip ?
alot can be learned from that video.

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