Why ZH-L8+ and not VPM or RGBM?

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I will find out, but i think it has to do with external water temp. if you do a dive you are generally going to wear undergarment that you are not freezing your butt off in. BUT, cold water will steal heat to a different degree (faster) than warmer water. yes, i know you can get really cold in the tropics, but it takes time. SO i think to a degree it is assuming 'appropriate' insulation for environmental concerns.

I would assume it is compensated somehow by lower SAC rate.
well, it assumes a baseline of pink with gold stars...


So, this confirms that the Uemis has a small camera that is able to transmit pictures back to the manufacturer. Its not like I wear my pink undergarment in public, and there is no way you could have guess about the gold stars. I feel so violated.
So, this confirms that the Uemis has a small camera that is able to transmit pictures back to the manufacturer. Its not like I wear my pink undergarment in public, and there is no way you could have guess about the gold stars. I feel so violated.

:wink: spandex even...
This is getting really creepy. I must not be the only diver that wears a pink spandex undergarment with gold stars. It looks like its time to buy some conservative Forth Element undergarments so embarrassing pictures don't show up on the internet.

Getting away from my poor choices in underwear and back to the original question, I use several different dive planners and generally stick to my plan, which is always more conservative than my Uemis computer. Using previous dive profiles, I have been able to come pretty close to the ZHL-8 algorithm in terms of deco obligation and total dive time using the BuhlmannC/GF, VPM and RGBM algorithms. The difficulty is matching the deco algorithm settings on the Uemis and dive planners. For planning purposes I set the planner to a slightly more conservative
I had my first dive with my brand new UEMIS today :eek:k:

Readability under water is great, changing tanks to 100% O2 and back is easy, warnings are very clear just like the rest of the data on the screen. Just the right amount of info.

I used the conservative setting (+) in order to get deep stops, which I find a valuable addition to safety. In parallel I used my VT3 that's served me well over the years. The decompression times (end of no-stop time, end of deco) were within 4 min, with the UEMIS being the more conservative one. But remember, I set it to the first level of conservatism.

Somewhat surprising was that I went straight out of deco after the 6m O2 stop, no need for 3m anymore, which suites me very well. Helps a lot in 5°C water..

I'm as happy as can be that I've bought this product - now I just need to wait for the Trimix update! Thanks to Laura and Ernst for the insight they offered offline!
I had my first dive with my brand new UEMIS today :eek:k:

Readability under water is great, changing tanks to 100% O2 and back is easy, warnings are very clear just like the rest of the data on the screen. Just the right amount of info.

I used the conservative setting (+) in order to get deep stops, which I find a valuable addition to safety. In parallel I used my VT3 that's served me well over the years. The decompression times (end of no-stop time, end of deco) were within 4 min, with the UEMIS being the more conservative one. But remember, I set it to the first level of conservatism.

Somewhat surprising was that I went straight out of deco after the 6m O2 stop, no need for 3m anymore, which suites me very well. Helps a lot in 5°C water..

I'm as happy as can be that I've bought this product - now I just need to wait for the Trimix update! Thanks to Laura and Ernst for the insight they offered offline!

If using O2 as the final deco gas, there are no inert gas's to consider & so there is no benifet to a 3mt stop, which would only reduce the ppO2.

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