Instructor molested me on first dive

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Thank you for your note, it is much appreciated and I'm really glad that you understood what I was trying to say.
You sound to me like you got it together girl.... no sense wasting your time chasing another dog's tail. You sound like one hell of a cool lady and if you ever make it out to the PNW you should shoot me an email.
Like I told you J, While I'm truly glad you didn't get sucked into the whole lynch mob mentality, I fully stand behind your feelings of righteous indignation. I applaud your posting this here... that took some big ballz J!... BIG'UNS... I deeply respect your refusal to let this turds actions control how you feel or what you do....
Go get certified girl and Dive on!!!!

I wonder what would happen if you sprinkled a little shark pheromone on Mr. Happy Hands wetsuit???? hmmmm.... might be worth visiting this guy again just to find out aye?
I've never heard of that happening and for most of my dives, I didn't have a dive buddy (80 plus without a dive buddy that I showed up with) so often ended up buddying up with the instructor. As a single, young female (well, young at the time - not so young now), everyone that I dove with was professional and never took advantage of my situation. Definitely get back in the water - it's worth it and that guy was a one-off creep.
I'm a dive instructor working in the Fort Lauderdale area.
I have read through some of the thread of replies and agree with them.
You should not have been subjected to this sort of treatment particularly in an environment where the instructor had absolute control.
I think you should have reported the incident with the instructors number to his training agency.
Now that aside, if you would like to do a try dive free of charge just to see how you feel about diving contact me via my web site and I will set one up for you. If you want I can arrange for a female instructor to conduct the try dive so you are completely at ease.
I just want you to get the opportunity to really enjoy a dive.
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This sort of behaviour is completely unacceptable, and it reflects poorly on everybody else in the profession -- especially since you're prompted to ask if this is normal. As everybody else has said, report the guy at least to PADI, even if you don't want to go so far as to report it to local authorities.

PADI's QA department can be contacted at 1-800-729-7234, extension 2316 (no jokes about what the 1800 number spells...this isn't the thread for that) or The supervisor's name is Steve Mortell at extension 2224. Be prepared to provide your name, his name, date, the shop's name, a detailed description of the incident, and any witnesses who can corroborate any part of the story (was there anyone else in the water, or a boat captain?). Although you may feel powerless, you may learn that this isn't the first incident they have on file. Even if it goes nowhere, that info will remain on his file in case it ever happens to someone else.
I understand what you are saying. I am upset about the situation, but by no means am I about to start posting names or places over the internet. This forum has only shown intelligent, thought out support. I wanted to get feedback from people who are experienced in the sport and who are not my relatives (unbiased).

If I were local to you I'd let you finish the course for free just because of your situation. Good luck with everything and be sure to report this terrible act.
No reason to name a country. I am contacting the agency (which is recognized by PADI) and trust that they will take appropriate action. It would be irresponsible for me to not report the incident, but I also am ready to just forget the whole thing. Drama is over... time to learn how to dive.

Make sure you report it to the police, not just PADI. This guy deserves more than to just lose his instructor status.
Hi jmcdonne,

Instructor actions like this are unheard of. I trust that you complained to the Dive Shop and had this guy fired. I would report this to the Instructors training agency and would consider contacting the police.

There's a likelihood that this isn't the first time he's acted in this way and depends upon the woman to keep quiet. Obviously such actions have to end and unfortunately it's the victim that's the only person that can do anything about it. Please make the phone calls.
You've done the right thing by not posting names and places on the internet. "Herman" mentioned in his post that too many people come on SB and really attack a dive master or dive company, congratulations for taking the high road here. However, based on your description/perception of the event, not only was the guy a scum bag, but put a new diver in a dangerous situation. It's because of the second reason why I would HIGHLY reccomend to;
(1) Find out what his instructer's number is and what agency he is with PADI, SSI etc. and report it to them.
(2) If the hotel/resort reccommended this company, I would report it to them
(3) Call the dive shop he works for and report it to the owner.
Sometimes people on their first dive need to be a little distracted, our director of training taught us to play tic tack toe on a slate. IT WORKS GREAT
This guy gives the entire industry a bad name. Please don't let him ruin your interest in diving, it's a great sport.


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