To the Discourteous Instructor at Casino Point Sat 08/29

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... Last weekend Jaye and I were there for 3 days. Pretty intense surge - people lingering at the base of the up-side stairs in the water were getting pinballed off the hand rail. Finally Tom Wetzel bellowed from afar, "walk up the stairs to take your fins off" to some crowd of yahoos blocking traffic.

It was glorious.

Though I was not there, I can picture (and picture hearing) Tom. It must have been glorious.

Ya just gotta love Tom.

BTW: If anyone observes me being inconsiderate, you have my express permission to hit me on the side of the head.
Same Here... Pull a Homer Simpson on me... DOH!!!!
Though I was not there, I can picture (and picture hearing) Tom. It must have been glorious.

Ya just gotta love Tom.

BTW: If anyone observes me being inconsiderate, you have my express permission to hit me on the side of the head.

I seriously don't know if he was in the water or on the shore someplace. Dude's voice kinda fills up the place, you know?

We were on our way down (on the down-side) when we heard it.

Back in the Dark Ages, when I first started taking students to the Avalon Underwater Park . . . THERE WERE NO STAIRS!!!!!!

How on earth was it even POSSIBLE to get ANY diver in the water - let alone students - without . . . STAIRS???????

Amazingly, we discovered this very useful entry point called . . . ROCKS!!! And you know the best part about this??? THE ROCKS ARE STILL THERE!!!!!

If the line is long/slow/whatever, what is the world is wrong with doing a nice wash-off to go out and wash-on to come in. (You can even do it with a camera - I certainly have.)

The point of this is that ever since the stairs went in, everyone - especially newer instructors - seems focused on the idea that that's the ONLY place you can possibly make an entry. It's not.

There are at least three other rocky entry areas to the left of the stairs and more to the right. Advantage of using these?
(1) You don't wait in line
(2) You don't get in people's way
(3) You don't violate local protocol
(4) You don't set a bad example
(5) You don't overheat waiting to get in.

The next time you're in Avalon - even if there's not a line - GIVE THE ROCKS A TRY!!!! In fact, I'll tell you right now that I'll be over there on Sunday, September 20, starting at about 11AM and will be happy to show you how to do it if you don't know how. As you face the water, I'll be to the left of the stairs, set up on the ocean side of the seawall. Come find me and I'll show you a new trick.

As the saying goes: What's old is new again.

- Ken

The first time I was there - there were no stairs. I remember going in and coming out over that wacky cement.

Tom had his students to the right (facing the sea) doing entries and exits over the rocks and through the boa kelp. I think that's great.

Done the cement entry before a few times, too. Lots of fun with the scooter - you get that whole Mark Spitz thing going - wait for the upswell, then just step off, propeller spinning!

I never exit at the park wearing fins. That's another thing. I always exit with my fins clipped off to the left chest Dring. I time it, get spit onto the stairs, and I don't even break stride walking up and out.

Yep Ken (Kurtis not that rule breaking Kopp!), the entries and exits on the rocks are still done... although I don't do them as often with my camera and the surge has been fairly strong recently.

Funny several mentioned Tom Wetzel... his wetsuit is unique, his voice is indeed loud, and he teaches his students rock entries and exits at the dive park! Go Tom!
Have never been to Casino Point, but reading this, I couldn't help but wonder what the point is in typing lengthy complaints on ScubaBoard and commiserating in company rather than simply speaking up at the scene?

First, you apparently didn't read my post carefully. I stated that looked for the guy (so I could take him aside and discuss the issue politely rather than embarrass him in front of his students), but couldn't find him. Sure, I could have yelled at him when he went down the wrong side... but it would have been hard to "say" anything except using sign language when his class disrupting my filming underwater.

DwayneJ hit it on the head... perhaps the instructor in question is a member here, or possibly some of his students will be, will read this, and realize their instructor did not do right by them.

The number of incidents I see every day I dive there are frequent enough to be a concern, and I try to talk in private with those I see doing something wrong so they are aware. Many who dive there infrequently are not aware of the rules. This bozo WAS aware since he first went to the down side and then decided he couldn't wait... that's what made him merit a special thread!
Thanks for doing the research regarding prior incidents. While I generally find divers to be pretty considerate, without your research, I would have figured this for an isolated event. Obviously, it is not. How disappointing.

And the vast majority of them are... it just takes a few bozos.
First, you apparently didn't read my post carefully. I stated that looked for the guy (so I could take him aside and discuss the issue politely rather than embarrass him in front of his students), but couldn't find him. Sure, I could have yelled at him when he went down the wrong side... but it would have been hard to "say" anything except using sign language when his class disrupting my filming underwater.

Gotcha. That makes a lot of sense. Didn't mean to second-guess your post by any means. Thanks for the clarification.
I try to exercise the courtesy towards others that I expect of them. I'm not always successful (especially if the person is arrogant or obviously doesn't care about others). Heck, I even yell "PLEASE take your kayak out of the dive park" when warning someone and "THANK YOU" if they respond properly. Those who don't get different treatment... I learned it from Cheney.

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