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Leisure Pro Brett

Reaction score
New York City
# of dives
500 - 999
On May 18th we at Leisure Pro were visited by some of our long time customers, both the rescuers and rescued in this story. They all stopped by our shop before their interview on the Today Show. We were very happy that everyone involved got out of the situation with only some life lessons to show for it. It was great to hear their accounts of the ordeal and meet the two young men that saved lives that day. We were happy to provide them with some free safety equipment for their future dives to make sure that nothing like this happens again. Here's a picture that our buyer Sol snapped during their visit.

From right to left: Paula Allen, Timothy Allen, Patrick Pinder Sr., Patrick Pinder Jr., Garrett Pinder and our Store Manager Ben Teichberg


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Thanks for posting this story Brett.
Brett - Great story, thanks for posting.
Wow, what a story!!! Thankfully with a happy ending.
Thanks for posting the story. I hope one of the items you gave them was a safety sausage. :)
Thanks for posting the story. I hope one of the items you gave them was a safety sausage. :)

For some reason, "getting found" safety equipment is at the bottom of the list for almost every diver I've met.

In fact, a DM actually laughed at me once on a dive on St. Somewhere (don't remember which island) when he saw my 9' Carter. Too bad for him. And I didn't even show him the strobe or air horn.

A lot of divers seem to have a real "It will never happen to me" attitude.

For some reason, "getting found" safety equipment is at the bottom of the list for almost every diver I've met.

In fact, a DM actually laughed at me once on a dive on St. Somewhere (don't remember which island) when he saw my 9' Carter. Too bad for him. And I didn't even show him the strobe or air horn.

A lot of divers seem to have a real "It will never happen to me" attitude.


<snicker> I was laughed at, or rather got the eye roll, a few weeks ago... That is until some guys got swept away from the line and had to wait for the boat to come get them in 5-6 footers.

You better believe it!

I never dive without a big see me tube, storm whistle and LED light..............

I also have a air horn on my warm water rig............

Here is an excerpt of what I usually post when folks ask about gear purchase order....

Mask - key is leak free fit and comfort (current favorite is the AL Mythos)
Booties - fit, sanitary, many places don't have them has rentals, without wide soles, so they fit a wider range of fins..........
See-me tube (DSMB) & whistle - safety (my favorite is Carter 35 lb Personal float and Storm Whistle)
LED light - again safety and lots to see under rocks and crevices (current favorite is a SP Fuego)
Paramedic shears - safety
Wrist Computer - makes diving easier.....also assumes you have a decent scuba watch as a back-up time piece (I'm a big Suunto Gekko fan).

The computer before reg seems to be controversial (or even buying one at all if you are an infrequent diver).......in my opinion the computer makes diving so much easier.....you still need to fully learn/understand tables.....for me diving is all about fun and relaxation......also computers can be a bit complex, you need to know how to use it and exactly what the screens mean, I think computers as rentals are not the best idea.......so computer comes first for me.......

Above is my minimum kit.........easy to pack, travel with and gets me in the water with some basic typically easy to rent gear.


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