Dema show???

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Just thinking aloud, but why would it be a bad thing if Dema had say, 2 /3 days for trade and 1/2 days open for the general public.?

I attend trade shows in various countries and quite a few of them are doing this now, I know some exhibitors may think its an inconvenience to deal with the public at large, but in my opinion "Joe Soap" in the street is the only real customer that counts, without him / her the industry ceases to exist.

Surely it could be a great opportunity for suppliers to show their full product range to a broader audience and travel destinations have an opportunity to get more folk interested in travelling to their facility.

The world is getting smaller, everybody, manufacturers, distributors, service facilities etc is trying to get closer to their target market (the man in the street) not further away.

Certainly if I were a manufacturer I would jump at the opportunity to maybe convert some customers onto my brand, listen to the general opinion of the public at large and even put out a few fires :D - obviously there could be no sales, but there could be a referance system to a shop closest to them, and even Dema scores with a possible few extra hundred or even a few thousand feet over the mat and all paying entrance - seems much like a win / win situation to me, which is working in other countries and industries.

Or am I missing something?.

No, not missing a thing, and I KNOW that suggestion has been expressed to DEMA staff.
Just thinking aloud, but why would it be a bad thing if Dema had say, 2 /3 days for trade and 1/2 days open for the general public.?

So you're proposing a show that runs for 1 and 1/6 days? Seems an odd length of time for a trade show.
Lining their pockets?? Hardly...every dime goes back into the industry? They are a non-profit...or didn't you know that? Their financials are posted on their website for all members to see, so you can check it out yourself...

Listen, throwing out the statement that an organization is "non-profit" is completely meaningless. That is simply a designation for tax purposes. Far from being a "non-profit", DEMA receives considerable revenue, which is then paid out in the form of salaries, travel expenses, and other expenses for those who are involved in the "non-profit" organization.

Now, all of this is fine and good if it is in furtherance of some worthy objective. The questions becomes, has this organization really done anything to further the success of it's members? Now, I don't propose to answer this question, but it is a good one to be answered.

Oh, post us a link to those financial statements. I looked on the website, but couldn't find them.

Phil Ellis
Discount Scuba Gear at - Buy Scuba Diving Equipment & Snorkeling Equipment
Chris: The DEMA show has become Travel, Training and Trinkets, with some parties and back slapping. Save your money.

Sounds like every other convention/show I've ever been to.:wink:
So you're proposing a show that runs for 1 and 1/6 days? Seems an odd length of time for a trade show.
No, it's not what he is proposing, but I am sure you'll blame PADI standards for it.
What do PADI standards have to do with this discussion, Pete? Talk about hijacking a thread...
Walter, let me translate

2-3 days industry only 1-2 days open to the public, total show length of 3-5 days.

Now did you seriously not get that or were you trying a hijack?
Speaking of DEMA and PADI, PADI is germane to any conversation of DEMA...

Last year there were term limits on Directors, then it came up for vote to eliminate term limits. PADI is a MULTI member of DEMA, with various corporate memberships, enough to swing any vote it wants (with DEMA the more you pay the more votes are allocated to you). Strangely enough term limits were retracted and Al Hornsby from PADI runs again for the board, AL is elected with the PADI votes should remain so until PADI decides not to keep him there any longer.
I would LOVE to know why controlling DEMA is so important. I have been told that last year there were DEMA board members that were greatly alarmed by what transpired.

I have also been told that this year the DEMA sow "bumped" a MAJOR brand from their selected spot on the floor in favour of PADI who had less points under the floor plan selection system. If true that sure gives one pause. The best part is now it doesn't matter, that major pulled the plug after.
How about the "pals" of the BOD/staff that get contracts to do 'projects for DEMA, are they non profit as well?
Wow. Is this speculation or do you have evidence?
Last year the first DEMA sponsored seminar at the show was on how to stop the spread of the Lionfish in the Atlantic, ummm yeah... that is gonna happen. The economy was in full roar downhill and THAT is how they decide to start the show???????
Lionfish in the Atlantic is truly distressing and I do not fault them for this. However, I'll make a bet that it was a last minute suggestion rather than proposed a year ahead of time, like it was suggested that I had to do. I could be wrong, but I can't believe that there is absolutely no flexibility in their programming. It's time to stop being an ostrich about social media and get their collective heads out of the sand! There is a reason why no other scuba related site has broken an Alexa rating of 50,000. They just don't KNOW HOW! Why on earth would you NOT want to confer with the ONE Scuba company that has done such a thing and is WILLING to share their knowledge?


Amazing. I answered your question DIRECTLY. That can only be off topic if your question was off topic and I must admit that upon closer inspection your post was merely confrontational. It's even MORE amazing that you are still trying to justify your deliberate attempt to misconstrue what widget was proposing with this red herring. Who's really hijacking this thread here? Not me.
Wow. Is this speculation or do you have evidence?

It is a question Pete, thus the funny little "?" at the end:wink:

That being said I have had a conversation with a former DEMA BOD member where they even said as much, it was justified with "well just because they're friends doesn't mean they can't do the job, plus business is all about relationships". While I understand where that comment was coming from....... IMHO there are quite a few members of DEMA that could do most any given DEMA project, it should be sealed bid to members first then outside the membership if no acceptable bid. In other words transparent.

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