(b) Filling limits. (See §173.301(e).)
(c) Special filling limits for Specifications 3A, 3AX, 3AA, 3AAX, and 3T cylinders. Specifications 3A, 3AX, 3AA, 3AAX, and 3T (§§178.36, 178.37, 178.45 of this subchapter) cylinders may be charged with compressed gases, other than liquefied, dissolved, poisonous, or flammable gases to a pressure 10 percent in excess of their marked service pressure, provided:
(1) That such cylinders are equipped with frangible disc safety relief devices (without fusible metal backing) having a bursting pressure not exceeding the minimum prescribed test pressure.
(2) That the elastic expansion shall have been determined at the time of the last test or retest by the water jacket method.
(3) That either the average wall stress or the maximum wall stress does not exceed the wall stress limitation shown in the following table (see Notes 1, 2 and 3):
Steels of analysis and heat - treatment specified in spec. 3AA
Average wall stress limitation 67,000
Maximum wall stress limitation 73,000
(4) That an external and internal visual examination made at the time of test or retest shows the cylinder to be free from excessive corrosion, pitting, or dangerous defects.
(5) That a plus sign (+) be added following the test date marking on the cylinder to indicate compliance with paragraphs (c) (2), (3), and (4) of this section.