!!!Safety Class!!!!

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Thanks Rick for setting this up !! You Rock !! You rock so hard that the earth shook on Tuesday. You rock so hard that you must have a helluva time staying bouyant.

There will be different classes, 4 total, but maybe more.

CPR/AED, 1st aid, O2, then Rescue.

Everyone is invited to attend one or all of them.


Okay, so it's a rescue class with the DEMP stuff split up. Gotcha. Cool
Okay, so it's a rescue class with the DEMP stuff split up. Gotcha. Cool

We are slitting them up, so there is more time spent on each subject. Instead of a couple hour classes on the subjects, there will be a full day of info and practical studies:wink: on each subject.
No Pro BLS? :(

Have fun guys! Rescue is an AWESOME experience
You mentioned "CPR/AED For The Professional Rescuer" in the OP... so I got all excited. Tease :(
It is the American Red Cross CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer.

It's the one taught to First Responders. For instance Life Guards get this level.

This really is the one you want if you plan on furthering you diving career. It covers things that the Community (standard) CPR does not cover.

For more information:

American Red Cross - Health and Safety Services for the Professional Rescuer
Sounds like a must for me.

I especially like the varying schedule part. My schedule is so convoluted it's a wonder I make it to work on the correct days.

Thanks Rick and all involved in putting this together!

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