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Whatever. I'll weigh in.

I don't have the competition gene, so take this as you will. I am so not an elitist, either.

I do not think there should be "exciting" competitions. I think that might attract the younger divers, but I don't want to see increased death rates because of it (and there will be).

I have never expressed this before, but I would rather less, not more, people took up diving. I'm selfish, I know.

Lastly, I believe, as others have stated, that it is a matter of money and attention that more younger divers do not stay in the fold.
I completely agree that competition isn't the way to do that....everyone has fired off on that....my points have all had to do with finding NEW and legitimate avenues to promote the wonderful things we all love about the sport. All of a sudden we are going to ruin the eco-systems as groups of untrained people flock to destroy reefs....oh brother.

I agree, but "extreme scuba" as a sport won't do it either, and if it did, it would just bring jerks into the sport.

I do agree, I just don't think scuba competition is the way to do it.
Wow, you do love throwing up straw men arguments and take great pride in knocking them down. Unlike your rants my points were simple, like the OP I think a discussion of ways to help others "see" the merits of this great sport are valid. It is obvious that in your world .....Popular-BAD.....Exclusive club for only those you deem worthy....GOOD.

Stick to the point, it is not about tearing up reefs, making diving a competative sport, alcohol abuse, or whatever else silly metaphors you want to use. Is there a place for a rational discussion of how to let people learn more about this sport we love? bfw, we know your answer is no. On the other hand I think the Costeaus of the world are a good thing. The Discovery Blue Planet series are a good thing....and I hope there are other ways people find to promote the underwater world I love.

Why? Why does it need to be popular? Drug and alcohol abuse is popular. What's so great about lowest common denominator approval?

First, it's not new - elements of the industry have been screaming for mainstream popularity for years.

Instead of labeling any objection as resistance to anything new, why not focus on the nature of the actual new thing and why there are objections.
Instead of labeling any objection as resistance to anything new, why not focus on the nature of the actual new thing and why there are objections.

Well, because there were no specifics given. A suggestion was made by the OP to find new ways to help people discover the joy of Scuba diving. Before people could begin making suggestion, the Scuba Police showed up to tell us why the discussion is bad. So, instead of focusing on relevant discussions of the actual topic, we listen to worst case scenarios about how getting more people in the sport is a horrible thing.

bfw, keep Jerry Springer and alcohol abuse out of the discussion, and maybe we can actually get around to the specifics. Then, I am sure you will find plenty of specifics to find objectionable.:D
So sorry I don't endorse your race to the bottom thinking.
My attitude is just fine. I think diving is great without P.T. Barnum taking over.
I find it enjoyable without noisy shiny packaging.

Can you say "straw man?" Who endorsed "racing to the bottom"....have I endorsed competition? Tearing up reefs? Messing up your tranquil diving experience? Shiny packaging? Not once, but heck, don't let the facts get in your way.

My point is very simple, I agree with you that I think diving is great....I don't want to change it...the ONLY suggestion I have made is that I think it is a good idea to find ways to promote the sport among those who for one reason or another have not had a chance to learn anything about it....that's it, pure and simple. BTW, I am one of those guys who loves to take pictures when he dives...so, I never "race to the bottom."....but, don't let facts get in the way of your accusations.

And, now I depart to visit other threads that offer instruction, learning, and encouragement of this great sport. Holy smokes, if non-divers read ScubaBoard, they might just get interested in this sport and want to become a diver.....CURSE YOU SCUBABOARD! You are contributing to the destruction of bfw's serene diving experience by promoting Scuba to the non-diving parasites of the world.(tongue planted firmly in cheek) :rofl3:
it became clear that activities which had sporting competitions associated with them had given a way for younger enthusiasts to follow the sport, and also given sponsors an opportunity to groom new stars.

Our club has competitions all the time. Here are some of the events.
  • Races starting at 120 feet to see who can reach the surface first.
  • On the anual "Davy Jones Day" we see who can dive the deepest on air. Any number of tanks are allowed but they all must contain only air
  • How log can you sit on the bottom at 60 feet with one standrad AL80 tank?
  • The cave free diving event: How far into the cave sytem can you swim on one breath?
Well, because there were no specifics given. A suggestion was made by the OP to find new ways to help people discover the joy of Scuba diving.

That's it - rant about the facts and then tell a whopper LIE. He suggested COMPETITIVE EVENTS, and as the thread progressed, he got more specific, including stating a tolerance for more risk to hype the sport.

bfw, keep Jerry Springer and alcohol abuse out of the discussion, and maybe we can actually get around to the specifics.

But it's implicit in the discussion - those are the cultural paradigms of the larger population you wish to mine more deeply to feed the profiteers of the industry.
It is obvious that in your world .....Popular-BAD.....

In the world we live in, yes. People who readbooks are rare; people who think American Idol isn't the height of human achievement are considered freaks.

Exclusive club for only those you deem worthy..

No exclusion at all. I simply don't want to jump in the faces of those who willingly exclude themselves.

Stick to the point, it is not about tearing up reefs,

It IS - more divers equals more stress on the reef. The National Park Service is struggling with the burden on the ecosystems of the most popular parks, because more people means more jerks.

making diving a competative sport, ... or whatever else silly metaphors you want to use.

Excuse me? Aren't YOU the one who keeps talking about the OP? That's EXACTLY what it's about. Go read the first post.

Is there a place for a rational discussion of how to let people learn more about this sport we love?

Yes, but more important is the discussion of WHY and IF WE SHOULD.

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