Okay, so I am about fed up with the crap on the usual forums about tech diving..... I dive at home and have done some great mix diving at home with some DIR people and finshed some training with a non GUE instructor who did Tech II and teaches mix diving. I have been waiting for a chance to complete Tech I and finally finished it yesterday..... in Bonaire. Long story short, if you want to do some awesome tech diving with some great support and have a truly great week, get off your butt and conact Benji Schaub in Bonaire and set up a Gue tech class in Bonaire. I finished my class with Dan MacKay, a guy who loves diving in bonaire. Our "graduation" dive was on the Windjammer, a fast sailing clipper (all metal) that sank in `1912. That was the graduation dive. I mean, honestly, can you think of anything better? I met a tech one guy who said he did his course in a drainage ditch........ are you kidding? A 240' sailing ship at 160' or a drainage ditch........ you gotta be on some kind of cheap drugs.........
The water temp was about 85 degrees, the visibilty was about 150 feet..... what more can I say. I did a tech one type of class this spring in cold water with crappy viz. Yes, it was excellent traiing and yes, it did make Bonaire much better. But, honestly, if you want to learn the skills and want to have the time in the water, what do you think the best idea is? I did a 98 minute dive yesterday. When was the last time you did that in 50 degree water?? Email Benji and he will set up what you need. The diving is great, the people are excellent, and the Papaya Moon serves an excelletn beef fajita............
Just my two cents........