Back in the stone age, 1970's, I worked at a commercial diving school. The school was run by ex Navy divers, so a lot of the things we did were right out of Navy training.
One of the exercises, we ran every student to 190' on air, I must have put 80 or so through this. We gave them simple puzzles and math problems to solve asked them to sign their name.
About 20% had no issue with the puzzles or problems. About 20% drooled, laughed or peed themselves rolling around on the floor of the chamber. All of the rest had varying levels of difficulties solving a problem or puzzle. Some could not spell their name. And this was a 10 minute bottom time.
I did Dipolder II once on air, the only thing I vividly remember is my sealed beam light imploding and having to come out on a 3 D cell U S Divers light. The rest is fuzzy except freezing my ass off at deco. We did a lot of of air dives. Most people did not carry O2, we did a metric ass load of air decompression. 160 feet on air was just another Tuesday night after work dive.
I wouldn't do it now for a couple of reasons. First, while I wasn't paying attention, I have turned into a old man. Second. tri mix is still relatively cheap. When you are willing to plop down 15k for a rebreather, 7k for a scooter, more for dry suit, heaters, misc other junk, complaining about the occasional $200 tri mix fill sounds dumb.