Not sure if you intent to do any technical diving in the future. The S620Ti has a Titanium inlet tube. Titanium is not compatible with 100% O2 beyond 2 atmospheres (207 kPa). You should use a specific O2 regulator for an accelerated decompression tank containing 100% O2. A second stage operates at more than 2 atm always (when the tank valve is open). Titanium is an excellent material for seawater corrosion resistance, especially Grade 5, but it shouldn't be used in highly enriched O2 systems.Hi! I am finally biting the bullet and investing in a good regulator. I’m already set on buying the MK19 EVO. I’m going back and forth on the second stage option: G260 or S620Ti? I’ve seen a general preference for the G260 but I’m worried about the bulkiness and the weight of it. Is jaw fatigue actually a thing? Can I get opinions on how important regulator size is?
I’d also like to hear all the general pros and cons on the two regulators!
If I were to go with the G260, I think I’ll be buying the MK19 EVO BT + G260 Carbon BT bundle.
FYI: I’m a petite woman hence the concern. Budget is not an issue and I won’t be diving in extreme cold (at least in the near future).
Another more practical factor if you may do technical diving in the future is the G260 allows you to switch the side of the regulator the hose feeds in. Why is this important? If you get into side mount diving (tank on each side) or rebreather diving in the future, you'll have a tank on your left side running roughly armpit to hip and you would need to have a regulator with the hose running to your left out of your mouth (with the regulator right side up